Khorn's Comments

Heeey dis moi je pourrais être ping si un jour tu le propose en vente ou echange ? 👉👈

Oui mais ne compte pas dessus, je tiens énormément a lui et c'est trèèès rare que je mette a l'adoption mes anciens oc's que j'utilise!

Pas de soucis !

Hey ! I am very interested in this character and I am willing to offer both art and money 

I can pay up to 20$, and add art besides, so I can offer Headshots, Halfbodies, fullbody and even references sheet (include 1 fb, 1 back view, 2 or 3 headshot, and view on details like eyes, tail, mouth etc..) (ps, I am not doing scene)

Sorry for the long message I am just very interested- 

You can check my th for my art-

Thanks for your time !

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No sorry, if you interested you can buy this character for 50€

No one caught my eyes sorry, if you interested this character it's for sale at 50€

hello! i hope you are having a wonderful day! i have many characters in my or i can do some custom art! here is an exaple of my work: i really do hope you find somoen you like since this character is such a dreamie and been looking for a cutie like this for a while!

Hi ! Sorry no one caught my eyes and i don't search art :( thanks for offert !

any in my th fh is off limits 

I'm only interested by