


4 years, 9 months ago




name César Luis de la Reyes

age 13

gender Stallion

breed Carthusian-Andalusian

role Knight

demeanor Noble

the Knight


Loyal: César was born to serve, so from a young age the value of loyalty was drilled into him. It goes against every fiber of his being to turn against those he serves and he won't. He will serve until his duty is done, undertaking any task assigned to him no matter how treacherous. When his duty is complete he has a habit of disappearing without a trace.

Jaded: Years of being used by others has taken its toll on the stallion, and so he tends to avoid overly crode areas where he can be singled out by those needing something. He's seen the horrors the world has to offer, has added to those horrors himself, and no longer wishes to. Though he will accept jobs from time to time he actively avoids anything that includes violence. Confident stuck in a tree? Grandma need a babysitter? César is your man. Need someone beaten? Killed? Frightened? Find someone else. César's favorite escuse for turning those requests down is that he's retired.

Evasive: There's really nothing he hates more than talking about himself or his past. Often César will try to change the subject to something else, maybe crack a joke, or even flirt a little. If pressed it is not uncommon or unheard of for him to make up a fake story about himself to appease the unwanted curiosity.

Unwavering: There is right and there is wong. Period. César has a strong sense of morality and very little can change his view. The same can be said for when he makes a decision to help someone or not.

Self-disgust and loathing: There are a lot of things in César's past that he's done that he is ashamed of and does not like to think about. Because of his loyalty and sense of duty he's completed questionable acts that go completely against his moral compass. This has led to a high level of self-disgust and loathing.

Obscure: César does not allow his true self to be seen by many. He hides himself behind smiles, jokes, and a bit of flirting.

Caeleste - Year Five

Current year happenings.


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Primary Magic

Type of Sorcery (stone)

Description of powers

Secondary magic

Type of Sorcery (stone)

Descriptions of Powers

In The Past

Write about their background/story here. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula. Donec aliquam id justo quis condimentum. Mauris enim massa, ullamcorper ac mi eu, ornare gravida ipsum. Aenean malesuada at risus a consectetur. Aenean erat lectus, laoreet eget blandit non, bibendum eu lacus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula. Donec aliquam id justo quis condimentum. Mauris enim massa, ullamcorper ac mi eu, ornare gravida ipsum. Aenean malesuada at risus a consectetur. Aenean erat lectus, laoreet eget blandit non, bibendum eu lacus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula. Donec aliquam id justo quis condimentum. Mauris enim massa, ullamcorper ac mi eu, ornare gravida ipsum. Aenean malesuada at risus a consectetur. Aenean erat lectus, laoreet eget blandit non, bibendum eu lacus.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas risus erat, malesuada vel scelerisque eu, convallis at sem. Phasellus ut ipsum at lorem viverra tincidunt vel et tellus. Ut sit amet diam ac tortor congue cursus. Aliquam vulputate lacinia felis sit amet suscipit. Mauris massa odio, suscipit id rutrum at, rutrum dignissim lacus. Quisque pulvinar, ipsum vitae rutrum molestie, lectus neque pulvinar lorem, nec commodo leo velit nec ligula. Donec aliquam id justo quis condimentum. Mauris enim massa, ullamcorper ac mi eu, ornare gravida ipsum. Aenean malesuada at risus a consectetur. Aenean erat lectus, laoreet eget blandit non, bibendum eu lacus.

Caeleste - Year 4



Weapon 1 [ effect ]

Change the name of this section to fit your character - the idea for this is to list items relevant to them such as weapons, armor, accessories, potions, familiars, costumes or whatever else works for your character!

Weapon 2 [ effect ]

Change the name of this section to fit your character - the idea for this is to list items relevant to them such as weapons, armor, accessories, potions, familiars, costumes or whatever else works for your character!

Armour [ effect ]

Fill in the titles to be the name of the items & give brief descriptions.

Accessory [ effect ]

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Other Item [ effect ]

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[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

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[ relationship ]

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