


4 years, 11 months ago




Name [Sewer]
Age [Adult]
Height [Varies]
Gender [Nonbinary]
Pronouns [They/He]
Species [Chimera Monster]
Orientation [Gay]
Taken? [No]
Home [Crescent City]
World [N/A]
Creator [@sunnysidewalks]
Status [Alive]
Pinterest Board [Link]
Playlist [Link]
Main Theme [song]
Design by MoonlightCinderella Code by Vom
Design Notes 
  • Dark spots do not have to be exact, but they are in clusters rather than just one or two.
  • Light spots overlapping the dark spots do not have to be exact either and can be anywhere there is dark spots.
  • His eyes can be shown, but it is not common since of their long mane.
  • They can have webbed paws, completely optional!
  • Wings can be any size they are NOT optional.

Sewer is an absolute narcisist and is very sure of their own power. Being a creature not of this world, he is manipulative, relentless, sly, and will see most others as completely weak and useful only to benefit himself. His snake tail, Garbage, has the same mindset as Sewer and the only one Sewer respects as that's a part of him, but also a completely individual creature. Garbage however will follow orders exactly that Sewer commands (usually with no issue since they're both like that).


Sewer started as a parasitic alien from space that was pure black and lived among the shadows. He preyed on several individuals to gain strength back from traveling to this place. The biggest victim was the resident and hotshot gang leader, Neon, where Sewer got the majority of his inspiration to what he would appear as to these weakling beings. Neon was attacked one night by being constricted by Garbage and hypnotized by Sewer as Sewer extracted Neon's DNA with his claws (similar to a mosquito). This doesn't harm the host health wise if Sewer allows it, however, the host will be nausated and immediately pass out after injection. Sewer placed Neon back to his gang's hideout at the door and allowed him to keep faint memories of them.

Being a parasitic alein monster, Sewer can will their body into any shape, create extra limbs at will, reduce or increase their size and weight, whatever comes to mind with shapeshifting. This helped him really prey on the outskirts of Crescent City where they claimed their territory near the sewers giving them their name by Neon. Some are aware of a monster, but the knowledge is very limited being on the same level as a cryptic that could exist, but the tellings of one individual that is a gang leader doesn't go too far.

  • Hibernation
  • Playing with Prey
  • Smog
  • Garbage (His Tail)
  • Bright Sunny Days
  • Being Disturbed
  • Anyone Thinking They're Better than Him
  • Flying
  • Shapeshifting - Sewer has the ability to shapeshift meaning several different things. They have the ability to alter their appearance such as a different species, add or subtract limbs at will, grow or reduce their height and weight, and anything else classified under shapeshifting.
  • Infared Vision (Heat Vision) - While Sewer isn't blind, his mane covering his eyes resorts him to use heat vision to detect any individuals around them when he's lazy and doesn't want to lift his bangs.
  • Hypnosis - Whether it be Sewer or Garbage, they both have the ability to hypnotize anyone with their eyes.
  • Semi Aquatic Lifestyle - With gills, Sewer is able to reside within any body of water for multiple periods at a time.