Estela Lua



5 years, 2 months ago


Estela Lua

Woman (cis)

21 (current) 18 (in-story)




Cool World

Red Velvet
DoB 06.07.2002
Pronouns she/her
Height 171 cm
Weight 62 kg

Eyes Brown (left)
Blue (right
Hair Blonde
Skin Pale white
Flower Jasmine
Created in 2008


Estela can be described as a very positive person who wants to keep her friends and loved ones happy. She's generally very upbeat, ready to joke around and maintain a positive attitude even in most trying times - great at communication and inter-personal relations, she quickly makes friends and brings a lot of positive energy to those around her, especially taking into consideration her accepting nature. However, she can also be really stubborn and vicious, especially if someone upsets her or her friend - she keeps grudges for a long time. Tends to blame herself for a lot things.


  • she's more cowardly than she lets on
  • her specialty is writing pop song lyrics
  • she likes coordinating outfits, both for herself and her friends
  • she has a vision impairment, but often forgets to wear her glasses
  • very airheaded, in certain ways seems completely dismissive over situations / people
  • likes cute clothes, short skirts, crop tops, light pastel colours
  • she can get very petty very easily, but she's also fast to change her tune
  • her lonely and troubled childhood resulted in issues regarding her family, she has a hard time talking about it without getting frustrated
  • has a soft spot for children
  • quick to compliment others, she likes to see their smiles as she points out nice things about them
  • her foot size is 39

Extroverted Introverted
Instinctive Calculated
Deceptive Sincere
Indifferent Emotional
Reserved Affectionate
Cooperative Lone wolf
Occupation None at the moment
Status Alive
MBTI XXXX (Content)
Nickname Tela
Known as ---
Nationality Namudian




Pop music



Social Justice

Cute things


Hair accessories



While she seems spontanous and optimistic in all fractions of life, Estela's not very good at analyzing situations, always having a hard time with making bigger decisions. She mostly leaves them to other people, trusting that they'll be much better than her at thinking - she is mostly right about that, but there come moments when her habit becomes a bit unhealthy. While she's not afraid of speaking her mind and expressing opinions, she tends to be quite cowardly and quickly back out of more aggressive discussions or conflicts. While she can read the mood quite well, she sometimes gets too aggressive or clumsy with voicing her opinions.

Unlike her siblings, who both still had a chance to get to know their parents, she grew up an orphan from the very beginning, finding herself a piece in an unforgiving system. She learned the hard way that relationships formed with her adoptive families were temporary, and so became distant even to people who had only been kind to her. To this day, she has a lot of issues and finds it hard to interact with her older siblings in a more healthy way.


Estela is a tall and skinny girl with pale white skin. She's of an average built, although her hips are very narrow, which sometimes makes her feel self-conscious about wearing shorts. She's emitting positivity while walking, her strut being quite bouncy and confident. Despite having a few fears, she always maintains a pretty relaxed posture and tries to keep on smiling.

Her face is a little bit elongated, so are most of her facial features - she usually frames them with makeup. Her eyes are upturned and probably the most prominent of her characteristics. The right one's blue, the left one's brown, making them very distinct among other parts of her face, especially since she uses mascara and eyeliner to make them appear bigger. She has thin lips, usually covered with strawberry lipgloss; she really loves applying various beauty products and makeup, which shows. Sometimes, her cheeks can have a bit of glitter on them.
Estela's hair is blonde and usually tied up in twintails either on the sides of her head or a little bit lower; her hairstyle changes frequently, so does the length of the hair. She usually makes sure to accessorize with cute hairpins or bows.


I've decided, we're gonna be fine~

