
Gender: Female

Age: 20s

Hair color: Red

Eye color: Green

Fur Color: Brown

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Being in the stables, Decorating Presents, Chocolate

Hates: Being a Centaur in the North Pole

    Peyton was originally a regular teenager who lived in Kansas, never really a fan for christmas. Late one night, an elf came in to greet her and to see the ways Christmas was great. The problem was the first spell to make her see how great the holiday was... turned her into an elf centauress, and this was not part of the plan at all. In panic, the elf made her come with the elf to the North Pole... by becoming one of the reindeer to pull the sleigh.

    Once there, she was greeted with open arms since they heard about what happen, they weren't amuse by what happened to her either. They gave her many jobs to try to do, none really working out except decoration gifts, which after a while wasn't really needed and looked more like extra fluff just to make her stay. They would change her back, but no one knew the spell to do so. They ended up having her work at the stalls, a bit steriotypical but it helped justify her stay a lot more. Now, Peyton is in charge of taking care of the reindeers, through still has a grudge on the elf that changed her.