


7 years, 10 months ago


NameAlysson, prefers Alyss
AgeWho knows


Even by the standards of rich people living in an era where owning other humans was acceptable, she has a remarkably low ability to view other people as like....people, who deserve rights and stuff.

But she does think people are neat? She loves to watch them and being born into a political family was encouraged to learn all she can about the human mind and predicting the reactions of her opponents.

It's not a perfect art, people are fucking weird! In a mundane situation with enough information you could reliably predict most reactions, but in crisis? Trauma just makes people so delightfully erratic.

She calls herself a woman of science but essentially she takes up torturing people as a hobby. Physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, it's all some primo shit. At this point countless people have lost their minds and lives as a result of her experiments.

Nobody really likes her per se but she is savvy enough and powerful enough to avoid any real persecution for what she does, so it's generally not regarded as 'worth it' to make an enemy of her.

TBC, profile is a bit of a WIP

Personality & Outlook

One of those mad-scientist types, unrestricted by boundaries put in place by silly things like 'morality' or 'compassion.' All about answering the most fucked up what-if questions she can come up with.

Coy, always seems a little bit amused. She looks at you and you're acutely aware it's the same look she'd give a nice fresh cut of meat or a shiny new toy waiting to be broken.

Just wants to pursue her interests & hedonism & is a bit of a snobbish rich girl so has never done a chore in her life.

An optimist, even when she initially feels down about something she'll eventually turn her thinking around and make the best of her situation. Thinks other peoples' problems are trivial or cute depending on her mood & doesn't take them seriously. Any offer of compromise is a joke. Speaks lazily and uses a lot of metaphors that can be interpreted as threats.

Confident, even when things aren't working out.

Powers & Assets

A la vampirism. Preserves her youth, but theoretically she could be fatally wounded by a weapon of silver.

Celestial Attunement
Also a la vampirism. Awareness of the positioning of the moon & other celestial bodies at any given time, even without access to the sky. Always knows exactly what time it is.

Mind Mage
All the better to do her human experimentation with! Memory altering/erasure, compulsion, reading, the possibilities are endless!



Innit [experiment]
Innits are the results of her experimenting in creating the perfect loyal servant via brainwashing and it's a project very close to her heart. She always keeps the latest subject nearby and tests their limits personally, disposing of them when she finds a fault. Or just when she gets bored, whichever. She disposed of this one by leaving him at some fucked up party after he broke. She thought he'd end up dead with his new master but new master fucked up and the cops ended up getting Innit back to his actual family. Probably she should kill him immediately but he's apparently said nothing of value about her to any of the cops. So now she's watching that from afar because she's never thought to see how an Innit would react to returning to their old life & it's been real fun.


Tobias [underling]
Some brat she seduced and forced into vampirism purely to keep his father under her thumb, but he's turned out to be a complete doormat so she puts him to work when she needs a stooge. She wouldn't trust him with anything particularly important but sometimes you just need a dumb bitch to watch your library for you.


Red, black, gold, emphasis on the red. Dim lighting and dramatic drapery are staples of every room in her house. Very much just a fancy-ass vampire living in the niche of steampunk and goth crossover.


• Does not like to be called Alysson. You call her Alyss or you die.

• often hired on to do the dirty work of people/ corporations/ governments who don't want to risk the trouble for the information they want

• Very fond of the color red because of course she is

• Most def a gold digger when she's runnin low on cash. Seduce somebody, arrange for them to either lose their fucking mind or mysteriously disappear/fall into a coma, ????, profit

Q & A

Q: What does it take to make her cry?
She's been studying the human mind for longer than most people have been alive, so she knows bottling your emotions up is not good for you. So she has her outlets!! She'll cry if she's frustrated on a project that refuses to go right for her, she'll cry over a sad movie. She'll cry if she's in severe physical pain. I mean it'd be great if nothing ever broke her cool but it's just not realistic to expect that from herself so she doesn't bother with it. The only times she really hates to cry is when she's trying to be intimidating @ someone who she can't just murder on the spot.

Q: Does she have any Regrets?
Well, she kinda regrets leaving her previous Innit with that one particular associate, but she's not one to dwell on mistakes. So like most times she's regretted anything, she's decided to make the best of it. She's a scientist, she fails a lot of times. That's just a natural part of being an innovator and if you can't handle it you don't tend to excel.

Q: Things she’ll never admit?
I mean, she's neck deep in criminal activity, most things in her life are things she needs to keep secrets? Though the level of secrecy ranges from 'actual government-branded confidential' to 'everybody knows but legally you can't prove it'.

Artist Notes

  • either skin tone is fine, she's naturally pale but spray tans sometimes. Just don't forget the freckles
  • she is not a skinny lady