Dusk Joker



4 years, 10 months ago


Dusk, also called Joker or the Dusk Joker, is an Outsider-- a being that exists outside of the known multiverse. For every thing that Is, there are things that Are Not-- and she is one such creature. Outsiders usually manifest as spirits, mythological figures, or some other such fantastical and magical force-- and for Dusk, hemanifests as a kitsune spirit. Dusk came to the world proper from the Outside with his partner, Dawn, and the two were killed by a rogue god called Malfys. Upon dying, though, Outsiders merely reset, losing all their prior knowledge and memories. So, now Dawn and Dusk are Inside, in the world proper where they shouldn't be, with no memory that they are actually Outsiders. Their very presence puts a strain on reality itself, due to their very nature being the antithesis of extent things.

Dusk is companionable and roguish, a personable and friendly individual who leads with empathy and understanding. He's easy to get along with due to his charming personality, and others report working with him to be very pleasant. Despite not being a human, he is the more human-like of the two Jokers, and Dawn receives a lot of her empathic characteristics from learning them from Dusk. Dusk naturally gets along well with most people and enjoys talking and interacting with others. Dusk has the energy of a cool older sibling, the kind who lets you play video games past when you were supposed to be in bed, the kind who orders pizza for dinner. He's permissible, and so relies on Dawn for her sternness of conviction to keep the rules strong. But his cool, friendly personality helps to keep tension low when Dawn might seem too intense in her enforcement of justice.