


7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info

Also called

Chief, Rainbow


As old as the plotline


Fox (shapeshifter)


he/him, it/its


Trans male


Cause mischief/annoy everyone





Other relations

Miskunn (feels sorry for), Et Cetera (hates/likes to annoy), Twinkletoes (likes to annoy), Ghost (friend), Chien (friend), Beats (hates/likes to annoy), The Jockey (likes to annoy/friendly rivals), Scipio (loves to annoy)

Relationship status



Pansexual/panromantic ??

Magic abilities

Immortality, can travel between universes at will, time travel at will, possession, teleportation, hypnosis, transformation, some immunity to magic (immune to all Inferno magic), intrinsic knowledge of the plotline, the ability to create/destroy AUs, fireproof, shapeshifting




1000 points


29th June



I have wanted him for so long omg <3
I'm still playing around with ideas for him, I was going to put him in Paw but I wanted a mischievous little guy for my multiverse thing and he fits that

Immortal little trickster fox

He is here to have a good time by annoying you endlessly until something else catches his attention.

He knows the Plotline and thus everything that could and will happen, he also has the ability to create and destroy AUs all by himself. This makes him particularly desirable by many people such as the Agency, the Archives, the Fix-It Fighters and various others.
He could be used for a lot of good, and a lot of evil. However Mischief prefers to use himself for his named purpose, mischief.
He only uses his powers to cause trouble and then clean it up again. Despite loving chaos, Mischief also loves existing and so generally takes care not to create world-ending plotholes.

He has miraculously evaded capture thus far, which is good because unlike Miskunn once captured it wouldn't be impossible to break him. He can't die but he can still get hurt, and there are quite a few people he cares about.

He's so silly though why would you want to hurt him <3
His only motivations are having fun and not dying. He does understand mortality though, he is silly but not careless, he'll never kill anyone... permanently.
Fun takes many forms, he mostly just likes annoying people in minor ways, like stealing their stuff, refusing to leave, talking to them endlessly, etc
But occasionally he likes to take people, create an AU for them and put them in Situations to see how they react.
Essentially, he makes fanfic to amuse himself.
All the random AUs I make of my ocs are canonically his fault lmao

He has a pretty high tolerance for others powers. He usually can't stop their magic effecting him entirely however he can dampen the effects.
He is actually entirely immune to magic done by any of Inferno's inhabitants, they cannot do anything to him whatsoever. Paradise's angels can have some effects on him, but it's generally very weak. Paradise quite likes him, so they don't tend to use their powers on him unless he's being very very annoying.

He says 'hiya' a lot as a greeting. His voice cracks a lot and his pronunciation of things is all over the place. Very annoying to listen to constantly. 

He spends a lot of time in Paw, because it's the perfect playground for him. Chien doesn't mind what he does if he doesn't break anything, and Paw is perfect for the stupid/serious mix of fun that Mischief enjoys.

His favourite colour is blue 

Art Notes

He often wears a choke chain round his neck, it's optional if you can't draw it.
His earrings are not optional!
If he is anthro he should be wearing clothes, or at least underwear.
Feel free to mix clothes/give him new ones!
Usually has a happy/laughing/amused expression, he can be snarling/angry but is never sad/crying