Mischief's Comments

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Yess I've always loved his colour palette, I'm quite picky with rainbow characters for some reason but he is like the perfect one

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THANK!!!! :D

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Aw thank you!! I'm so excited to draw himm

Hi sorry I already asked two years ago but I still really love this character, is it okay to offer on them again?

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Alright! Does (literally) anyone in my trade folder interest you?

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That's okay! I could offer 200 da points (if you take them) + some art/customs then?

My artstyle is kinda all over the place atm but I could do a couple shaded halfs/fulls/whatever in this style? I can do anthro or feral
If you'd rather customs I can do them on/off base, design examples here
If neither art customs interest you but pts do I can maybe scrounge up some more da points somewhere

Again sorry if I'm being annoying I just want to exhaust every option on this guy haha

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9 Replies

Would I be good  to offer on them? I could do any mixture of art/characters/customs! 

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I can offer anyone (multiple?) from -

here or here, maybe here (some from the needs art section will be a no however)

I can also offer customs?

Maybe some art - I could do any number of lineless busts?

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Sure thing! Just let me know whenever, this character is such a dreamie for me :3

I could also maybe do points or PayPal but not much, idk if it would be against the rules for the raffle either. Sorry if I sound pushy, I just really love this design.

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Oh I love!!!

I’ve been looking for a fursona a long time ago, and this one would be perfect!! I’d def make him badges, a fursuit, and everything! Tysm for the chance ^^

I honestly love this design so much and really want to draw them and make art of them. Even without the amazing rainbow Mohawk, the design is soo good!!! I absolutely love them. Thank you so much for the chance and I hope whoever gets this character treats them right

liStEn hEre buSter tHis character is tO gOod tO be given AwAy fOr fReE bUt ok-

Okay he is adorable and  I would use him all the time because of how cute he and maybe make him into a fursuit after a while (maybe ;w;) I would name the boio Kyler but as a nickname "Kye". He would be gay and ready to play xD.

Kye is a intelligent boy but loves to hang out with his friends and goofs off all the time. But gets the work done no matter what. And no matter what  happens he will protect his family at all cost.. even if it costs his LIFE. But he prays each day in the hope of not dieting the next day.  He sometimes lives in fear but never shows it.But besides the fear he is joyful and playful all the time, loves goofing off, and is in Hufflepuff of course.His favorite image or icon is the "Ying Yang" of course!

I couldn't help it I had to write them a personality and such 'w'

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Why ty uwu!!

Really no one was interested for dis sweet boio 'w'

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I really like them! I love that they have rainbow hair, rainbow is the best. If I got them I'd use them to draw LGBT acceptance art, and they'd probably be a gay boi. For his personality, he'd be outgoing, and loves to make friends, even though sometimes he has a bit of trouble doing so. He likes making friends with people who accept LGBT and/or are in the LGBT community themselves. Over all he's just a good boi, who loves spending time with friends. As for his name, I would probably name him something that starts with r, because of his rainbow hair. He would probably be one of my main characters if I got him! ^^

Alright; first off, I found this bab while searching to see if there was any bbies up for trades etc via the search feature.

Second; I am weak. They are adorable~

Honestly; I would probably end up using them as a side fursona or some such. I do have one that they would look really nice with, so possible pairing/couple?
Generally speaking I have a hard time explaining what I would use something for until after I sit there for a while and think on it. Perhaps they would end up a companion with one of my artistic characters, I could actually see that. I love creating stories for a lot of the characters I have. Most of the characters I end up getting have different extensions of myself put into them. Also, ferals are adorable? Heck; they probably make amazing baked goods as well. With sprinkles and stuff on it.

Maybe named Cocoa or Oliver? Names are a difficult one; either way. Thank you very much for giving a chance <3 I hope they get into a good home. 

Omg so cuteeee i love their design so so so so much aaaa

I would call them Rocco /or a name that starts with R

They would be really confident, and a trouble-maker / but a nice person that likes to help others and make them happy

I may use them as a couple /or best friend for one of my characters: https://toyhou.se/5203323.ray

He would help them on their job /they make custom clothing.

Also works on a café and /since their job isn't too stable/ their boss gives them the food that wasn't sold on the day.

So cute I'll gladly enter for them I hope that they go to a good home.

Well he will be co-owned by me and to my artist fraind.

I would love to own this bab because I'm looking for a new sona for my boyfriend, since his current one is a little edgier than hes satisfied with lol, they would probably be used in my ship art with my sona, and I'd be super reluctant to sell him because of it. Merry christmas, good luck to all entries!

I don't know if you'd ever consider giving me them, but I'd hope to provide them as good a home as I did Kodi! I've had my eye on them for a while now and never could seem to afford them, but I just got the notification that they're free to a good home and simply could not pass up the chance. I'd hope they'd be another fursona like Kodi and maybe even give him a fursuit one day, that willing you'd rehome them with me ♡

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Oh damn, this is really generous of you! My other offer still stands if you want something for them, pass the Christmas spirit around a little.

I really want this character, they are the first character I can say that is a dreamie  for me. Their overall design is just so pleasing and the rainbow hair just connects with me (gay pride) while not clashing with their design. 

I don’t have a name in mind yet but their personality would be an extension of mine, more the reserved part I’d say, they’d be pretty caring to those they know well but it would take some time for them to warm up to people. I’d write out more but it would be far too long.

If I got them they’d be a sona to me, I love them so much. Thank you so much for the opportunity and good luck to anyone else <3

I’ll transfer Keva over right now btw :3

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Don't worry about it, you are being nice and giving this guy away so I'll give you a little something in return!