


4 years, 9 months ago



Oph, Thorne
200cm / 6'7"
January 11th
Bigender (he)
The Higher Planes
The Crystalline Grove, ???



An odd, deer-like being with a brief but imposing presence. He is quiet and subdued, but sharp fangs can be glimpsed when he speaks, and plantlife seems to sprout and bloom wherever he goes.


Overall, Thorne is reticent and soft-spoken. He speaks rarely about himself, instead preferring to discuss others, or his particular interests-- living things, strange magical phenomena, and interesting mythology. He avoids conflict wherever possible, and will often decline to defend himself if questioned. He's quite affectionate with those he becomes close with, but getting close to him can be difficult. An air of sadness seems to hang around him.



Ophanki's appearance is deceptive; he is properly an ancient being from a plane above that on which reality forms. Beings that form on this higher plane have their powers and strength dictated by the constellations in the sky, and Ophanki was born under the strongest of the formations. This marked him as essentially the next ruler of the realm, a calling he violently rejected. He spent most of his early life hidden away from the others, relying on his mother and his two close friends, Ignari and Demisia for protection. When Demisia was forced to accept an arranged marriage proposal she found abhorrent, Ophanki and Ignari rescued them from their predicament, and the three fled to the lower planes to hide.

This didn't end well for either of them, but Demisia was at least safely hidden from their pursuers. Ophanki was separated from his body, and began wandering the lower planes in a more insubstantial form.

He wandered for a long, long time. When the first Vaskharr clawed their way out of the void, he offered their leaders protection, and forged a bond with their people that has endured for the peoples' existence. He befriended many mortals over the ages, aiding them when asked, and attempted to shape the evolution of life on the world he and his friends had landed on into something beneficial for its survival. Being unanchored from physicality, he drifted between frames often.

The pieces of Oph's body remained on the surface of Terra, immortal and unspoiling. The blood that oozed constantly from them infiltrated the water supply, kickstarting an explosion of life first in the seas, and then on land. Life advanced faster and in very different ways, and soon Terra was home to hundreds of anthropomorphic species, imitating Oph's own body plan. Oph did what he could to ensure they had food to eat without resorting to each other, keeping certain kinds of life from gaining sapience to preserve some kind of food chain.

The Collision was a sudden, jarring change to the status quo; the introduction of humans and their heavily constructed cities to the carefully balanced ecosystem very quickly threw things off. The food chain began to collapse under the strain. So Oph did the only thing he could think of, and used what he had gained from the riftclaws who believed in Vilkar Sei to tear the world asunder a second time, opening myriad doors into any reality he could reach, and the void as well. He brought the Vaskharr that would later form the Red-Sands clan to the planet, introducing them as a way of both navigating the foreign worlds and returning home, but also of maintaining the rifts, as without them the people would definitely be unable to feed everyone.

Ophanki's involvement in this event is largely unknown. Very little about him is known, in fact, outside a small cult formerly lead by Luminary and the Eclipse Corporation that's been secretly collecting the lost pieces of his body. The blood they harvest from his body has become the backbone of the Eclipse mercenary corp, allowing them to heal almost any wound and return a merc to service the next day.

Current Day

Oph continues to drift in and out of the worlds his charges are tied to, thoroughly unrooted from reality and only visiting when an achor is strongest. He's still angry about the loss of his body, an anger than manifests in a curse that burns its way into the flesh of anyone who touches the pieces bare-handed, but lacks the ability to recover it on his own.




Life Magic
Ophanki is an extremely powerful life magic user, whose control over the aspect is absolute. Thorne can instigate the germination and growth of plantlife, heal even the most grievous wounds with ease, speed up or slow down the physical development of organic lifeforms, and use small amounts of organic matter to create living creatures from seemingly nothing. The magic contained within him radiates out around him, affecting everything around him with lesser forms of the magic he can perform intentionally. Like all gods, however, his power is so great that in large doses/long exposures, it causes negative effects; too much healing can cause the genesis of diseases like cancer, seeds can germinate and grow within the digestive tract, fungal and bacterial growth increases, and the physical form of the affected will begin to warp. These negative effects do not occur in the metaphysical realm in which Ophanki usually dwells.
Imbued Blood
Ophanki's blood is heavily imbued with the magic he radiates; it's a thick, cerulean blue liquid with no unusual visible properties, but when ingested it can cure any poisoning and cause a sudden burst of physical healing, when poured on an existing wound it can immediately repair it, and if poured on plant life the plants will undergo a sudden burst of growth and flowering.
Metaphysical Travel and Manipulation
Like most of his people, Ophanki can travel through planes of reality above that of physical reality; he can also generate and manipulate anything he desires within these higher spaces. The majority of his time is spent residing within a den contained in snowy woods he created to serve as a home.
Perception Manipulation
By default, Thorne does not appear to mortals in his chosen forms, but as something that is familiar to the viewer, but with his leucistic colouring and a blue rose motif to any envisioned clothing and accessories. His tattoos may or may not be absent depending on the viewer. He can alter this consciously, however, to appear as himself instead, or to render himself practically invisible. Despite this power being perception based, he still can't be seen through photo or video recording.



Ignari former lover
The person who was closest to Oph before they helped Demisia escape; his punishment cut him off from Ophanki entirely. Oph misses him dearly and wishes he could speak to him again, but for some reason the blinded god is very difficult to track down.


Demisia friend
While they've had precious little contact over the milennia due to Oph's dismemberment, Demisia still cares for Ophanki and tries to reach him when they can. She's still a little pissed about the whole "being locked inside the world" thing, but ultimately it was probably the smartest way to keep them safe, so she tries not to take it out on him.


Vic Guyanderra follower
A mortal bearing one of Ophanki's curses, but one who refused to let something silly like a curse stop him. When Oph finally made contact with him, he lifted the deleterious effects from the curse, but left the powers it granted intact. Vic seems like a person driven to solve problems, and Oph has a big one for him to solve.


Luminary ???
A former cult leader who, at one point, possessed several pieces of Ophanki's body, which he used to reshape his body and perform miracles. Luminary is difficult to command, as he has his own ideas of what Oph should want, but sometimes he can be prodded into doing something useful... And what do you even do with a self-made demigod?