


4 years, 10 months ago





Name Venomous Ini
Gender Cis female, she/her
Age 17
Birthday 23 Ches
Sexuality Unknown
Race Yuan-ti pureblood
Class Beastmaster ranger
Alignment True Neutral
Homeland Unknown
System Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition
Campaign The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss

"The more hidden the venom, the more dangerous it is."


Ini is a 17-year-old beastmaster ranger with a black panther companion called Mini. She is a yuan-ti pureblood with a true neutral alignment. On the stage of her circus, she is known as Venomous Ini.

Cold and calculating, Ini is rather standoffish. Mini is her best friend and is more in tune with Ini’s feelings than she herself is, leading Mini to take the initiative when it comes to approaching people. Anyone who passes Mini’s vibe check is automatically a friendly face.


When Ini is in her humanoid form, she has short white hair, piercing yellow eyes with slit irises and light, scaly skin. She wears bold red eye makeup to enhance her snakelike appearance and to ensure even the people in the back of the circus tent can see the shape of her eyes. Her chest is flat and there are barely any curves to her tall, slender figure, giving her an androgynous look.

Ini’s snake form is that of an albino snake. Anyone with a keen eye will notice her eyes stay the same colour and shape after her transformation, but that’s the only feature that carries over between Ini’s two forms.


Being a lowly yuan-ti pureblood, Ini’s place within her tribe was decided even before she hatched. Moments after being laid, Ini was taken from her mother and kept incubated with the other eggs of purebloods in the Ssiltsis tribe. Ini and her pureblood brothers and sisters imprinted on the half-breed Ula who was tasked with incubating them, but for all the warmth she had given them before their hatching they would receive none after.

Ini grew up in an orphanage which served a double function as a boarding school for spies, assassins and the like. Ten years after Ini had hatched, she was harshly judged and tested by Ula, who deemed her worthy of continuing her study. Had Ini not overcome this trial, she would have made a slave there and then.

Some might say Ini already was a slave, even if not in name. She knew she was very carefully being turned into a weapon, all her “guardians” would tell her as much. Each day they would remind her she was serving a great purpose, and she should be proud that even she, a pureblood, could prove her usefulness to the abominations, the highest of yuan-ti. She didn’t mind being reminded of her position in the tribe, for even the status of the lowest of yuan-ti is far above that of any other creature.

Surely Ini would have become a fine weapon, had it not been the tragedy the Ssiltsis tribe now refers to as “The Stolen Generation”. A nearby human tribe had caught wind of Ssiltsis’ customs regarding yuan-ti pureblood eggs. The incubation chamber of Ula was being guarded by Ini and a histachii, an even lower yuan-ti, on the night of the humans sneak attack. Being only twelve years of age, Ini had greatly overestimated herself and underestimated her opponents.

The next day Ini woke up in a cell as a bright light shown down on her and the shouting of people all around her made her head throb. Although she didn’t know or understand this at the time, she and her unhatched brothers and sisters were being sold to the highest bidders at an auction. After the auction, Ini managed to escape together with a black panther who became her companion quickly after but not before turning into her full snake form and killing a guard and her new “owner”.

Ini and Mini travelled aimlessly through the wilderness for two years. It was on a gentle spring day that Ini and Mini were drawn to a circus by cheerful music. The costumers of the circus were quick to assume Ini and Mini were just another act, ready to get inside and prepare for the big show. Not wasting any time at the sight of opportunity, the circus director insisted Ini and Mini should come inside for some business talk. Despite the fact Ini did not say a word during that meeting, she and her panther joined the circus and they have remained there since.




Swift Raine

Before joining the circus, Ini had never met a person like Raine before. Everything about her was so alien that Ini couldn’t make paws or tails of her for the longest time. Raine is still an enigma to Ini, but now that they have known each other for a little more than a year she has realized a few things about her, namely: 1) if Raine fits, she sits, 2) ‘no’ isn’t part of her vocabulary and 3) Raine and Mienie seem close… Ini doesn’t like that.

Ditka Gredav

Having been taught since hatching that humans are bellow yuan-ti and they can’t be trusted, Ini did little to hide her disgust when she and Ditka first met. In Ini’s mind she never actually had agreed to join the circus (although she had never refused the offer either), but suddenly Ditka was welcoming her with open arms and showing her the ropes. Over time, it became harder to deflect Ditka’s warmth and kindness and after a few years, Ini no longer felt any negative feelings towards her. Ini still doesn’t consider Ditka a friend as she is unfamiliar with that word and its meaning, but she does enjoy listening to Ditka’s stories and insists Ditka invites her when she is planning on sharing one.




Ini and Mini's names together sound like the Dutch word ‘ieniemini’ which translates to 'very tiny'.