


4 years, 8 months ago


Appears 18ish
7'3" or 6'5"
In The End


Friendly • Affable • Optimistic • empathetic

Cassidy is a demon who is always looking to make new friends. He was cast out of Heaven centuries ago—essentially for being too friendly. He currently lives on Earth, where he’s made friends with a girl named Claire.

He loves Hawaiian shirts, dogs, and movies, and is very curious to explore more of the world. Though, that may be difficult for him to do, considering that he’s currently on the run for his life.

Cassidy is very friendly and empathetic towards anyone he meets. He loves to help people out when they need it (or when they don't). He’s a very genuine and authentic person, and always says what’s on his mind.


  • Being with friends
  • Sweet foods
  • Dogs
  • Warm, sunny days


  • The dark
  • Being alone
  • The cold
  • Yelling
"And people are my religion, because I believe in them. And people are my enemies, and people are my friends. I have faith in my fellow man, and I only hope that he has faith in me"


Cassidy is an extremely cheerful and outgoing demon. He loves people, and is most at home when lost in a crowd. His endless optimism and talkativeness can make him come across as annoying or naïve to most, and though he can’t exactly disagree with the annoying aspect, he is far from naïve. Cassidy is very emotionally intelligent, able to observe and pick up on the emotions of those around him, and act accordingly. He’s not easily tricked.

Cassidy was created the same day as (most) other Angels. Upon his creation, and momentary stumbling confusion, he noticed the Angel beside him. She said her name was Octavia, he introduced himself as Cassidy (the name had come to him suddenly, and he knew it was his), and the two quickly grew close. All Angels are siblings, but none were as close as Octavia and Cassidy. Everyone else felt more like distant cousins or acquaintances to him, but Octavia was his sister. His only sister.

And Octavia was a fine sister to have. The two spent most of their days together, talking or exploring, stumbling through Heaven, trying to see where they fit in. They were close, but ultimately they had different goals. Octavia wanted recognition from the Almighty, Cassidy wanted a bigger social circle.

They both were aware of the Archangels, everyone was. Cassidy had never paid them much mind, not until he saw the large group of angels, crowded around one of them. Lucifer was one of the smallest Archangels, but he told the biggest stories, capturing the attention of those around him, including Cassidy. He found himself with a new group of friends who listened to Lucifer’s stories and ideas, giving a few of their own as well. For the first time, Cassidy felt that he was truly part of something. Something bigger than himself. It was nice.

It didn’t last.

If one were to ask Cassidy now what he thought of Lucifer and his friends, he wouldn’t know how to answer. He would touch the divet in his ear, and respond with a lighthearted shrug before changing the subject. 30207434_XPKejtyasVjxZpU.gif


Ref sheet

Demon form:

• Eye color and amount of eyes can vary (main two eyes are never the same color though)

• Gradients on wings, tail, and claws/horns

• Tear in left (viewer right) ear

• Spikes on elbows

Human form:

• Heterochromic eyes, can be any colors

• Earring in left (viewer right) ear

• Eye design present somewhere on clothing (shirt pattern, pants, etc.)

•Red/eye/pattern motifs


Pinterest / background image

• Cassidy, like all divine beings, can shapeshift. He can become any living creature on earth, but he only has one form for each species. For example, if he turned into a bird, he would be a robin. He couldn’t turn into an owl or a sparrow, even if he wanted to. Only a robin. Same goes for all other species.

• He LOVES dogs. Never actually seen one in real life, but from what he’s heard about them, they seem amazing.

• He’s extremely observant, able to read a person like a book the moment he meets them. He often uses this to gain someone’s favor, or to know when he should avoid someone. The latter was particularly useful in Hell.

• He probably needs glasses. Things are always a little bit blurry in his right eye, it didn’t used to be that way, he had the best eyesight out of anyone in Heaven, a few scuffles in Hell sort of knocked that title away from him though. This is also why his eye colors never sync up.




Cassidy thinks Claire is great! He appreciates her willingness to help him, and though he knows admittedly little about humans, he’s pretty sure that this level of altruism isn’t exactly common (at least not towards strangers, let alone demon strangers). So he feels very lucky to have found her. She reminds him of Octavia in some ways, if only in their shared “trying to be tough and stoic” attitude. Claire’s seems to be born more out of grief than necessity or want though.


The Archangels

Cassidy was never close with the Archangels, save for Lucifer. Raphael seemed kind, they shared a few nice conversations here and there, but the little Archangel seemed to prefer to keep to himself more often than not. Uriel was a fun gossip occasionally, from what Cassidy could hear through eavesdropping, Michael was stern and intimidating (he generally avoided her), And Gabriel… Well. He was never a fan of Gabriel.



They were close, once. Back when Cassidy was in Heaven, you could rarely find the pair of siblings apart. Though their personalities varied greatly, the two always got along. Octavia would listen to Cassidy’s stories and jokes, and he would listen to her thoughts and stories in return. It’s difficult to find someone in Heaven who’s willing to listen to you, so for a long while they only had each other. They drifted apart around the same time, Octavia’s ambitions for a respect that she had already earned from Cassidy, and Cassidy’s want for greater connections led them down separate paths, wherein one could not follow the other. Cassidy still loves Octavia, and he holds no ill will towards her. She’s his sister, and neither Heaven nor Hell will change that.



Lucifer had a great deal of talent when it came to spinning stories. Grand ideals of what things could be like, in Heaven as well as on the budding Earth. Cassidy was fascinated by it all, as were many others. For a time, he thought he’d found what he’d been looking for. A large social circle, friends to laugh with, the sense of belonging that he so desperately sought. Part of him can’t blame Lucifer for what happened. He wishes the fight was handled with more tact, but ultimately Lucifer wasn’t the one to cast them down here. She was. Cassidy doesn’t fully know what to think of Lucifer now. Sometimes, he thinks he sees that old familiar friend, only to blink and be met with a cold face, marred by scratches and hate.

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