Virgil's Comments

They seem fun af and my boy kass would get a kick out of pestering them for sure xD

I always loved Virgils design. Especially the mismatched sized horns. He seems like he would be a fun character to bug in a game XD

Hahaha thanks! When I was first making Virgil I was like "I need to make a character that is look at him and go "yep that sure is a gigantic dweeb with some demon or devil blood in him" But he was such a hoot because he was the guy who couldn't spot monsters or hide from them to save his life....but oh lordy once he did spot them (usually due to them now attacking the part) he could tell you everything about them down to the most inane of details. He was also the resident "We're all going to die! *muppet-flails*" member of the group. Half the fun was just bugging him. XD

OMG! Yess! So much fun! Now I need to go find a group because our last one kind of fell apart T_T