Robyn Silverkin



4 years, 9 months ago


Name Robyn el Silverkin [T'puulile'i]
Status Currently in adventure
Class Storm Herald Barbarian
Race Windsoul genasi
Background Gladiator
Alignment NE(ish)
Level 3
Exp. Points 1025

Age 29
Height 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight ~145 lb.
Build Strong shoulders, somewhat muscular
Gender Cisgender woman
Homeland Calimshan, Old Shanatar
Disposition Typically detachedly polite
Profession Gladiatrix
Inspiration 0
Proficiency +2
Passive Wisdom 12
HP 32
Temp HP 0
Hit Dice 3d12
Armor Class 11
Speed 30 ft
Initiative -1
Strength 16 (+3)
Dexterity 8 (-1)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 15 (+2)
Wisdom 11
Charisma 10
Acrobatics -1
Animal Handiling 0
Arcana +2
Athletics +5
Deception 0
History +2
Insight 0
Intimidation +2
Investigation +2
Medicine 0
Nature +4
Perception +2
Performance 0
Persuasion 0
Religion 0
Sleight of Hand -1
Stealth -1
Survival 0
Climbing axe [greataxe] +5 1d12+3 slashing
Dagger +5 1d4+3 piercing

Reckless Attack
On the first attack of your turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives you advantage on melee attack rolls using strength, but attack rolls against you have advantage until your next turn.
Storm of Fury (Sea)
While you rage, you may choose a creature within ten feet of you, other than yourself. This creature must make a Dexterity saving throw or take 2d6 lightning damage, and half this damage on a success.
  • Climbing axe
  • Dagger
  • Bag of mysterious beans
  • One set of common clothes
  • One gladiatorial costume
  • One disguise kit
  • One nice dress (for more formal occasions.)
Food & Aid
  • Healing potion
  • 4 days worth of rations
  • One handy spice bag.
  • A bit of charming yellow moss.
  • A hand-drawn map of Ust Natha.
  • A map of the Misty Forest and High Moor.
Morbi quis purus vitae
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
Morbi quis purus vitae
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
Morbi quis purus vitae
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
Features & Traits
As a bonus action, you are able to enter a rage. When you make a melee attack or damage roll using Strength, you gain a +2 bonus. You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. You have advantage on Strength checks and saving throws. Your rage lasts for one minute.
Danger Sense
You have advantage on Dexterity saving throws against effects you can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, you cannot be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.
Mingle With the Wind
You can cast the levitate spell once per long rest, requiring no material components.
Other Proficiencies
  • Common
  • Alzhedo
  • Undercommon
  • Simple & Martial Weapons
  • Shields
  • Light & Medium Armor
  • Saving throws in Con and Str

Robyn is an unusual presence. Between her stilted speech patterns and heavy distaste for disrespect, she makes few friends, and keeps even fewer. She is typically pleasant enough, but there is a quiet undercurrent of disdain and mistrust in most of her interactions with others. She holds humanoid races in almost uniform poor regard, and animals in almost uniform high regard- including (and sometimes especially) "animals" like Gricks, Hook Horrors, and slimes. She is detached from most normative understandings of appropriate behavior for the surface peoples, and her mannerisms (and behaviors) betray the formative time she spent among the Drow. She is not, therefore, detached from a perception of appropriate apperances: she is somewhat vain, and prone to flattery. She is a liar and a brute, although she doesn't look it.


Robyn doesn't see an inherent or inaliable worth in other people, but does treat them fairly neutrally, as she is aware that she is one of them. This frees her to use whatver means she has at her disposal to get whatever she wants: whether she is beraying her friends or killing the innocent, Robyn feels justfied. She does not see 'the guilty' and 'the innocent': she sees 'people' and 'beasts,' with 'the people' perpetuating wretchedness across Toril. Rather than root for the direct destruction of humanoids, though, she advocates the uplifting of the beasts. In her own way, Robyn is making a genuine attempt to court the favor of Lurue, the peaceful and romantic Unicorn Queen. Her behavior certainly doesn't align with Lurue's values, but Robyn genuinely does not realize this, and in fact will wholeheartedly pursue adventures and deeds she (usually correcly) percieves would win her Goddess' favor. Robyn holds art, finery and music in high esteem, and has a measure of disdain for people she percieves as incapable and uncultured. Typically, she will stay loyal to a party inasmuch as they retain her respect- which can be a tricky maneuver.


Despite her low status in the Underdark, Robyn has as much respect for the Drow- and for Lolth- as she does for any good-aligned civilization, and has high respect for their martial and arcane skill. She has also reunited with the caravan of her birth and her extended family in the past, though she doesn't hold the ongoing loyalty and respect to them that one would expect from a Genasi of Calimshan.
She is loyal to Lurue and those in her favor, at least, in her own mind.


Robyn has a temper- a very quiet one, more like a superheated liquid than the fiery outbursts one often expects. She will plot against opponents she doesn't think she can beat fairly if she feels the have slighted her sufficiently. She is very proud of her martial skill, and takes any insult against her deeply personally.


Robyn Silverkin was born in the latter half of the 15th Century Toril to a caravan of primarily Akadian Windsoul Genasi. Her family was embroiled in the ongoing civil and (sub)racial wars among their people and those loyal to Memnon, as well as the eternally dangerous business of being of an abolitionist faith in a slave economy nation. The Silverkin family was no spotless moral conscience, however: her elders often dealt with less reputable peoples, including Vhaeraunites from the Drow encampments to the north of Memnon. Several groups were on-again, off-again allies; in as much as those with common causes are, but it is rare that those common adversaries don't find out.
Robyn was witness to bloodshed from the day of her birth, and it was not uncommon for her to hear stories of those who had held on to their wars for decades- or centuries- before she was born. She was about nine when her parents were killed in one such encounter between part of the caravan and their allies, and Robyn, among a small number of others, were taken into the Underdark to live out the forseeable rest of their lives.
With her quiet politeness and ironic name, she lived through the inital separations and sacrifices, and came to learn undercommon in the hallways and rooms of an untitled House in one of the many overtaken cities of Old Shanatar. To survive, she left her old ways behind, and assimilated as best she could, smiling through the insults and humiliations that accompanied her life in the Underdark. It was among the children of this House, and their close friends, that she learned to spar, and then to fight in earnest. Old Shanatar has ruins enough for a thousand lifetimes, and enough enemies among the surviving Duergar, that Robyn was useful for her size and strength, and assumed not to have the desire or capability for subterfuge against her mistresses.
For them, it was not the plots of their daughters or rivals, or even simple, random chance that brought them down, but, as it often is, someone close that they made one too many mistakes in trusting. At fourteen, Robyn killed the house that owned her in their rest.
She then proceeded to live there for a tenday and a half, until a visitor came to call- Vaune Sarollann, a young woman whose family were not-quite-openly rivals. Robyn confessed openly to her deeds, and expected execution: instead, she was given something much closer to freedom- bringing her under their roof, with a debt, in exchange for vouching for her- lest she surely be killed by her now deceased House's allies. For her part, Robyn gratefully accepted.
Vaune advocated for Robyn among her own family, and they tentatively accepted her presence, aiding her entry into professional (and nonprofessional) gladiatorial combat. She never betrayed the Sarollanns, and they kept their bargain as she kept hers. Eventually, Robyn was able to establish herself enough to pay back what she owed them, and, at twenty three, leave the small town she had grown up in.
Robyn did not leave the Underdark immediately. She hired herself a guide to be her eyes and, at times, her reason for being somewhere, and headed to a different town. When all was said and done, Robyn eventually did leave the cities of the Drow- at twenty seven, eighteen years after her capture. When she found the Silverkin caravan again, some months thereafter, she was welcomed- but unable to assimilate herself back into the people she was taken from. Robyn left again, and headed north, through Tethyr and Amn, and away from everything she had known- she hoped, toward something she might find she wanted.


Robyn is fond of animals, but doesn't hesitate if she feels she must fight them- after all, it's a dog eat dog world!

She is fondest of dry wines and oaky spirits, such as whiskey and scotch. She is likewise fond of the mushrooms she grew up eating underground.

Robyn is a shrewd businesswoman, and is not above haggling with merchants- whether they interpret her correcly or think that she's threatening them, though, depends on where she is.

Celestine Margaritari
Robyn's very fondest friend is a Lythari named Celestine, who some may say is a bit touched.
Iol Kerry
Family of family. They don't know each other well, but Iol regards her as a sister. They could not be less alike!
Alantha Tathaun
Young half-drow man who she escorted into Ust Natha. She thinks of him as a fool, but a fool she finds pleasant company.