Lucius's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

FuuMiku Global Rules

When you gain ownership of one of my design, you gain all rights over it except the rights over the artwork and creation credit, and some commercial use restrictions. No matter what I must still be credited for the design. The reference artwork may be edited or drawn over but you must always credit me as the initial artist.
The characters may be redesigned as much as you want, though you musn't delete the original design or take 100% of a redesign's designer credit. If the design is different enough and someone shows interest in the original design, you're encouraged to make a new character profile for the redesign and trade the character away so it can have a second life. Except if the character is significantly redesigned, you can’t make a species based on one of my designs, especially not without my permission.
Can regift and retrade in all cases. You can resell the character if you got them through non-free ways(or have gotten more art or writing if gotten for free), but keep the price relatively fair and reasonable.
They can be used for comics and projects and such as long as I am properly credited for the design somewhere. You don’t have the right to avoid answering who their creator is (me) when it's brought up. If you're wanting to make merch of the character (that isn't tied to say, a webcomic), or similar commercial use, then I request you speak to me about it, depending on the project I may want a part of the earnings.
If you want to get rid of my designs, as in giving away, I'd take them in, though this is an offer, not an obligation.

The character and design is yours, and feel free to feel utterly safe about that fact. Even under severe policy breaks, you'll be blacklisted and perhaps publicly shunned, but won’t have the character taken away. Just be ethical.