Nari Varsteg (History)




Nari’s mother and Hitomi’s father were old college friends, and as a result was able to hook him up with a house neighboring theirs (she works in real estate) when he was looking for a new place for his family to stay in suburban Tokyo. As a result, Nari and Hitomi ended up meeting and eventually became best friends. When Hitomi’s family moved to America, their families still kept in touch and Nari and Hitomi were able to stay close thanks to calls, texts, video chats, etc.

About 3 years after Hitomi’s family moved, Nari and her family visited them for summer vacation. One day, they were at a shopping district when a villain suddenly attacked. Nari and Hitomi were in the villain’s direct path, and the villain attempted to attack them. In a panic, Hitomi(as she wasn’t as trained with her quirk yet) only managed to create a force field around herself and ended up getting knocked back quite a far distance away, dizzy and too injured to move. Nari managed to jump and narrowly avoid the villain’s attack, only for it to grab her by her springs and take her as hostage, holding a claw to her neck threatening to slice and kill her. By then heroes had arrived, but because the villain had Nari as hostage, there was little they could do. Luckily, more heroes arrived to ambush the villain, but not before the villain was able to make a deep cut from the lower right of her neck down to the lower center of her chest. The villain was then captured, and Nari was sent to a hospital, surviving the attack but now being stuck with a visible scar. She was unconscious for three days, and had to stay in the hospital for two weeks.

Hitomi visited her daily, and about a week after the attack, confided in Nari that she believed it was her fault Nari got hurt, as she was unable to protect her. Nari told Hitomi it wasn’t her fault, and it was then that Hitomi told her she would become a hero, not just because she didn’t want to spend her life knowing her quirk could be used to help others, but also to atone for letting Nari get hurt.

No matter how many times Nari assures Hitomi it wasn’t her fault, Hitomi blames herself to this day.

profile html by Hukiolukio