Daniel (Aurelia AU)



9 months, 8 hours ago




he/him // 25 // 1.83m/6'0''

Main OC


Full Name: Daniel Day
Nickname(s): beautiful, pretty little thing [all by Darcy], sweet thing [by Jeremiah]
Species: Turned Vampire (used to be human, 'died' at 19)
Height: 1.83m / 6'0''
Orientation: Bisexual
Relationship Status: Single, heartbroken
Occupation: works part-time at the library
Friends: ... can Darcy and Jeremiah count as "friends"?


  • reading and writing
  • collecting books for the library
  • Jeremiah's office
  • the sound of rain


  • being alone with his thoughts
  • falling asleep (frequent nightmares)
  • feeling numb
  • hot summers



General Description

Daniel is a shy, introverted vampire guy who tends to avoid people and all kinds of conflicts. He's rather uncomfortable around strangers, not very talkative and fairly closed-off. He's often held back by his own self-consciousness and overthinking, so he doesn't express his emotions very well and gets lonely very easily.
His anxiety and depression make him feel like a nervous useless mess most of the time, and his sleeping problems don't really help with any of that.

AU-Specific Description

- came to Aurelia after his partner betrayed him; this relationship breaking apart in front of his eyes left him with so much grief that he feels more like a walking, empty shell of himself instead of the person he once was
- now that his life no longer revolves around a nearly-immortal being, he is slowly coming to the realization just how his own heavily prolonged lifespan will effect his life and any bonds he forms with people with shorter lifespans
- had nowhere to go, and no one to turn to in his despair, so when he stumbled upon Aurelia and got the slightlest bit of attention from Jeremiah, he decided to stay in the town
- his deep grief and the pit of self-destructive depression Daniel has fallen into remind Jeremiah of himself when he lost his family, so he takes pity on Daniel
- Jeremiah's and Darcy's pet vampire (just kidding... unless?)
- for a couple hours after drinking Jeremiah's blood, Daniel's eye color will be pink instead of his usual light blue

Art Wishlist

- interactions with  Jeremiah Jones; Daniel is deeply devoted to Jeremiah and constantly craves his approval and attention. And sometimes Jeremiah indulges him when Daniel is at his worst and kisses him better. Surely, this will not make Daniel more obsessed with Jeremiah, right? Right? (note: they are not in a romantic relationship and Daniel also doesn't WANT to get into a relationship with Jeremiah - the allure of their dynamic is that, since Jeremiah is never gonna see him as his partner, he can also never betray Daniel like Daniel's ex did. ... Don't question his unhealthy coping mechanisms, he's not gonna listen to reason on this one.)
- Daniel working in the Aurelia library (stocking shelves, being the cashier at the small book store downstairs) or him being in Darcy's secretary office, or Jeremiah's office (screenshots of each in-game location are in his gallery)
- Daniel in his apartment (reading on his couch, writing something on his typewriter in his room)
- interactions with Darcy; Darcy is quite intimidating to Daniel because he knows that Darcy masterfully hides something sinister below the surface. And unfortunately for him, Daniel's proximity to Jeremiah means that he gets to be in on that secret, and now gets to experience the full unhinged and unfiltered Darcy in private. Darcy treats him a bit like a servant, a bit like a doormat. Daniel tolerates this treatment because Darcy is hard to avoid when you want to get to Jeremiah, and at the end of the day, Darcy's attention is still better than being alone with his thoughts.

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