

Name Purple Pearl
Nickname Pearl
Age N/A
Gender Female
Race Gem
Role Servant and Friend
Alignment Purple Diamond
Theme Song link

Purple Pearl is the most loyal to Purple Diamond, this makes sense as she is the first gem that Purple Diamond ever created, she has been here for her diamond, longer than any other gem.


  • Purple Diamond
  • Jokes
  • Robotic Style Ballet
  • Being Beside Purple Diamond


  • Being Alone
  • Other High Ranking Gems
  • Death
  • Poofing


Purple Diamond (dress design - imature) learned how to create gems from researching after Moissanite told her of their existence. Moissanite recommended Purple Diamond should start with something small, slender but loyal, so naturally, Purple Diamond chose a pearl, she implanted the Injector into the coast of the land and "water" on a planets further away from Kenusz 10, she didn't want to destroy her homeworld, After the injector was implanted, Purple Diamond got impatient, so she waited beside the Injector for a day whilst Pearl was forming.

Suddenly, in the coast cliff side, the wall began to glow, a thin body was moving, it floated above the sea, with a gem visible on her right foot, Purple Diamond moved closer, her eyes were lit up, The glowing figure descended into the water, then the glow stopped with diamonds glowing around them. "My Diamond!" Pearl exclaimed! Purple Diamond hugged Pearl, and said "Pearl It's awesome to finally meet you! I created you, You are my first gem!" "It's an honour my Diamond!" Pearl said From here on out, Purple Pearl was beside Purple Diamond, Helping her through each time she was poofed, loving spending time with her. Purple Diamond was no-longer alone in this world.

Until Pink Zirconia was created, Purple Diamond decided to gift her pearl to Pink Zirconia, forcing her to create a new one, she used the memories she took from her old pearl (See Pink Pearl's Story) and placed them into this gem, as Purple Pearl woke up, she was dazed, she felt like she had been poofed but had no re-collation of it happening, so she thought it was just a blackout and moved on with life, beside her Diamond, loving her all the more with each day



Green Diamond [ relationship ]

An Earthbound green thot.


Red Diamond [ relationship ]

Spicy red aunt.


Moissanite [ relationship ]

Small boi.

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