Atsuko Miyama



4 years, 10 months ago


Name: Atsuko

Surname: Miyama

Hero name: Rocco


Birthday: 26/01

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Age: 15/16

Gender: female

Height: 152cm


Distinctive features: Racoon, Small pointed teeth, Grey/Silver Hair, Raccoon tail, clawed hands.

Orientation: heterosexual

Nationality: Japanese

Place of birth: Musutafu, Japan

Appearance: Very Short, dark brown eyebrows in contrast to her grey hair, bright brown eyes, grey/silver ombre hair, Whisker-like markings on face.


Quirk: Racoon


Description: -Atsuko's quirk gives her pretty much all of the attributes of a Racoon.

-She can move almost silently, making her difficult to track.

-She also has notably heightened hearing.

-She excels at climbing and specialises in sneak attacks.

-Her eye-sight becomes enhanced during the night time, and her reaction times decrease significantly.

-Other traits to note; Raccoon tail helps with balance, sharp canine teeth.

-Extra sensitive clawed hands.

-Heightened sense of smell.

-Advanced problem solving.


Suit specifics:

-Her shoes have been adapted to mimic the pads on a mammals feet, allowing her to move as quietly as possible.

- Gloves specially made for her hands with claw sheaths to strengthen and keep them safe.

- Padded soles of shoes resembling paw pads, to help with landings and sneakings.

- Staff - used for combat and defense.


Personality: Atsuko is a friendly, aloof, easy-going person, who likes to be friends with anyone. She has a love of most, if not all animals. She is clumsy and bumbly but will always try her best.


Relationship: - Tokoyami -

After the Training Camp Arc, the two become an inseparable pair, confessing their attractions.