
4 years, 10 months ago


Oscar Davenport

"Better dead than contained!"
Basic Info

Name [Oscar Micah Davenport]
Age [17]
Height [5'3"]
Weight [120 lbs]
Gender [trans male]
Species Human
Ear Type [human]
Occupation [high school student]
Orientation [Asexual]
Host | S/O [N/A]
Design Notes

  • Skin color and hair NOT changeable
  • wears hoodies and/or leather
  • has freckles across his nose, though it's optional
  • Oscar presents as male very well, so feminine features are scarce

  • hates pop music
  • cannot swim
  • germaphobic
  • attends a country club
  • occasionally plays tennis
  • pretty bad grades
  • has a LOT of money

Oscar takes no shit and rarely gives a shit. He's very lax and a bit airheaded. He tends to be an unintentional jerk. Oscar isn't very sensitive and rarely cries. He can be hasty and usually leaves thinking about the future until the last minute. Nonetheless he can be chummy with the people he appreciates, despite how few there are.


  • Childish Gambino
  • sleeping
  • being destructive
  • red things

  • feminine things
  • pickles
  • pop music
  • storytime youtubers
  • hyperopinionated cishets

Oscar was born as Jessica Davenport to his parents. As Oscar began to grow up, he showed a particular detest for feminine things and related much more to his male peers than his female peers. Assuming it was just a phase, his parents ignored Oscar's behavior. When the phase persisted, the two tried to get Oscar to engage in more feminine things, like wearing dresses, playing with dolls and even forcing him into Girl Scouts. Disgruntled, Oscar grew to detest his parents.

When Oscar was 15, he discovered the term "Gender dysphoria" after scrounging the internet for answers to his discomfort in his own body. Determining that's what he had, he arranged a plan to come out to his parents and make an appeal to start horomones, cut his hair and change his name and pronouns. Disgusted and confused, Oscar's parents refused. In an attempt to "fix" their child, Oscar was forced to attend conversion therapy several times. Oscar was persistent, however, knowing who he truly was.

When Oscar was 17, he grew tired of his parents attempts to change him and stole away in the night, fleeing to his grandparent's house by way of Greyhound bus. Upon his arrival, he explained to his grandparents the situation. His grandparents, being as accepting and sympathetic as they were, agreed to take him in as their own. Oscar started horomones and cut his hair, changing his name from Jessica to Oscar. Now living with his wealthy guardians, he aspires to be a DJ some day.


Relationship Type