


4 years, 8 months ago


Nemesis is a corrupted Tek Rex, living with the Clan of the Sapphire Night (though her relations with most of the clan are a bit rocky). Compared to Xeno, the Element has its claws a little deeper into Nemesis, with her internals being a jumbled mixture of Tek robotics and corrupted Element, its tendrils growing out of gaps in her chassis and spreading all over her body. It's thought that the reason she doesn't bend completely to the Element's will has to do with her robotic nature- but that said, the malignant material has some degree of control over her. Every day is a battle for control over her body, a battle that she typically wins, but her Rex bloodlust can bring out the malevolent Element in her in battle. It's often Xeno who has to pull her back down from the brink.

When she's not lost in a corruption-induced blood-rage, Nemesis's natural personality still manages to shine through. She's a highly sarcastic and playful individual, always relishing in the incredulous looks on the other dinos' faces whenever she pulls a fast one on them. Like any Rex, she loves the thrill of battle- as risky as it is for her- and when defending the clan, she's always one of the first in line to beat up whatever threat is on the approach. She gets along fairly well with Rusty, and tends to butt heads with Xeno.