Areli Page



4 years, 10 months ago



Name Areli "Ari" Page
Age 28
Height 5'6
Species Glameow #431
Gender Male
Nature Impish
Pronouns he/him
Ability Limber
Birthday August 26 [Virgo]
Occupation Exotic Dancer
Move Set

Sucker Punch
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+++ |
fiercely loyal
confident (in multiple aspects)

The type to walk into a place knowing what he wants and a plan on how to get it. Confident inside and out, Areli plays to win in most cases, only slightly above dirty tactics to get his desired results. His pride won't allow him to sink below the people he thinks of as scum, believing it to be a destruction of his honesty and integrity as a person, but he does have a few tricks up his sleeves. After taking a liking to someone, Areli tries his best to show exceedingly good sides of himself, even going as far as to expose barred off parts of his himself to people he really really trusts.

=== | fiercely independent
loves attention

Areli's pretty blatant and vocal in his requests and desires. Will send a meal back if it's the slightest bit wrong, will request a refund if the clothes aren't just right. He doesn't shy in the face of authority or get subservient if someone demanding his cooperation doesn't deserve it. Although he doesn't enjoy being treated like he can't do anything himself, he does enjoy a good day of being pampered or being able to have someone at his beck and call for anything, no matter how petty (if only for a little while). He receives satisfaction leaning back and seeing everything he's accomplished on his own, but doesn't mind putting the reigns in someone else's hands for a few hours every once in a while. A man that loves to soak up the spotlight, sometimes at the accidental expense of other's fame.

--- | demanding
critical of others/self

In a rush to get what he wants the way he wants, Areli has the tendency to get a bit brash and rude. He is often critical of people and things that don't fit his mental criteria, and this doesn't exclude himself. When something of his has been worked to perfection, he won't miss a chance to brag about it, whether it be his narrow waist or the arrangement of the furniture in his living room.


  • polyamorous omnisexual
  • daily workout routine consists of yoga in the mornings (afternoon) when he gets up, 30 mins of cardio or 30 mins strength (every other day). increases when he's stressed
  • on his days off he cleans up his flat and reads books (erotic fiction and thrillers are his favorites)
  • ambidextrous
  • a smoker
  • very conscious about what he eats. a health nut. a few steps away from calorie counting
  • likes to spoil himself when it comes to buying himself clothing
  • likes coffee but also citrus-y drinks
  • wants to have children but doesn't know how that's going to happen
  • has reading glasses
  • nipple piercings
  • uses terms of endearment for customers when on the job

Areli lived a fairly normal life before college. As an only child he attended school normally, had normal friends, a decent relationship with his parents, and went through the average trials and tribulations that most kids go through: the death of a pet (2 goldfish), bad grades, good grades, graduation, and moving on to college. Days that pasts were overall unimpressionable, and he tried to move through them without making a scene, feeling himself out in the privacy of his own thoughts.

College, however, provided the perfect amount of exposure for Areli's growth. Moving to White City to pursue a half-assed degree in business, he had the room to experiment. He joined the drama club, attended parties, and even scored himself a friend with benefits. Freshman year comes and goes, and being Broke As Shit comes and smacks Areli in the face. He needed a job and quick. His fwb quips a 'you're pretty hot, you could totally be an erotic dancer or something' after a quickie, and although it was probably a joke, Areli doesn't take it as such, looking into ways to score himself a spot on the stage. Of course, it wasn't really as easy as anticipated, and it took a number of auditions before he finally landed a spot.

He's relocated to a different club since then, but is nowhere near new to the industry.


  • tba

  • tba

Name | Relationship

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Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.

Name | Relationship

Maybe don't write a book here. You can but it might look a lil funky. Quisque quis sagittis dui. Sed sed pellentesque ex. Aliquam quis metus ac ligula gravida mattis ultricies non dolor. Nam augue velit, ultrices vitae vestibulum sed, dignissim eu tortor.