Seqi / Sequoia



4 years, 10 months ago


Sequoia is a former medical technician at a nursing home; she has come to miss her grueling 12-hour shifts, her dual-natured residents, and the coworker- and boss-induced stress that once ruled her life, yet gave her a sense of value. Between jobs at the moment, Seqi is currently adrift, heading to college to find herself and change, in pursuit of a new life as much as a bachelor's degree in biology. She has gained immeasurable confidence from her job and new-found friends and strength; now she only prays she doesn't cave to her anxiety.

Her first apartment, moving out, a change of scenery and true independence...! ...As delightful as it sounds, how much easier it is to be a shut-in.
But her shut-in days are behind her, she insists! She hopes. She prays. She fights!
She is a lover of people, nature, sensation, and thought, and hates nothing more than those who won't humor a devil's advocate, or who endanger others with a lack of work ethic.
By nature playful, curious, flighty, and flirtatious, Seqi is perhaps too idealistic at times and easily infatuated with even trite romance manga or strangers who just happen to pique her interest. And just as much, she loves to read and re-read manga and books that people consider depressing to the point of painful, so perhaps what she really seeks is just a little (safe) drama. Her personality used to be indistinguishable due to her anxiety, but she has come to realize that acting plain, normal and nice is more an evasion tactic than anything else.

All in all, Sequoia feels like she is a good person; helping others, at least trying to help herself, and having very, very few "cool stories" to tell, having been more a housecat than a rebel by any means. She hopes now more than ever she can push her boundaries and improve; sure, it'll be a bit shit at first, but she wants to find the person she could have been, for all those years she wasted hiding.