


4 years, 3 months ago


Marcus is a stressed out, overworked retail employee and college dropout who smiles as much as he can, and who hopes to become more. He lives off of energy drinks and rice and beans, and shares a frugal but safe enough apartment with Seqi. A big fish in a small pond, he grew up with a false sense of superiority and pride over his stellar grades; after flunking out and owing thousands to his college, he's been humbled by life's hardships. He's still an intellectual at heart, but with his menial labor job and absolute exhaustion outside of it, he knows his love of learning is put to waste and squashed almost daily. While he's thankful he grew and opened up to what life really means, he vies for the time when his only job was learning... he worries about how long it will take for him to ever get back to that place.

Though he sounds dismal, he spends the majority of his time joking around and encouraging others. He's close with his coworkers and works the absolute maximum he can. He's anxious about the future, not sure what's worth pursuing; however, he hopes if he can just hold out and save up for a second chance in college, he could get a second chance in life. He didn't take it seriously the first time around, enjoying his first taste of freedom and wasting thousands in the process. So he works towards his next chance and takes community college classes online for the time being. He dreams of being a teacher, a librarian, a... something. Something he'll find some other day, if he can find the time.