Basic Info



Date of Birth

873,526 - 371st - Quarata






6ft 6"




In a Relationship








Leader of the Nüsaniæ (Advancers)




Strait-laced, austere, professional, pragmatic, unequivocal.


Flying, public speaking, cold foods, architecture, professional conduct, social events, hunting, rain, recognition, co-operation.


Being fussed over, disorder, apathy, plants, deep water, hot weather, writing, backchat, puzzles, dissent.


Born to the Oro family, Renoseira stands out among his species as being an ideological pundit, founder and spearhead leader to the fast developing group of ideological activists known as the Nüsaniæ. This term has come to take form in the demotion of electromagnetic abilities many Æ-onüri have come to be born with. Their modus operandi stem from the faith placed into technological advancement which has been core to the development and success of many areas of the world Æleir. In their eyes, the ability to utilise electromagnetic powers is a hindrance to technological advancement as many groups and individuals on the planet making use of such powers adhere to the deployment of physical labour performed by the individuals gifted with such powers. Therefore, in compliance with their ideology for rapid and accelerating technological advancement, they feel compelled to step up to the goal of actively demoting and outright removing such an ability from the consciousness of the species altogether. Their methods, although pragmatic, can resort to force in the event of target individuals who are particularly defiant. Neriph’eto is one such individual the Nüsaniæ have taken to a personal vendetta against due to his tendency to be highly illusive to them and take steps to cover his tracks wherever he may step on his home planet. This group comes to be particularly influential in the minds of many Æ-onüri who have not taken the time to make use of such powers, for reasons ranging from no time to learn such powers, or the predisposition to see such powers as redundant due to the fast technologically developing world of Æleir. The Nüsaniæ draws much of their support from this mentality in particular and makes use of this platform to either persuade, or force particularly resistant individuals into their ideology for total automation. Despite the devious and morally questionable methods this group resorts to, they do not perceive any such wrongdoing to be in their mindset and believe their goals to be noble and beneficial to their race. Naturally support for their cause is biased in their favour due to the majority of the planet not having the wherewithal to actively use and defend such powers as it has been subject to evermore limited use as the species has evolved from manual labour to near total automation of every product and service available on Æleir. On average, one can expect the Nüsaniæ to only be operating around 20 active members at any one time. Renoseira’oro himself has come to be known as the charismatic and very organised leader of the Nüsaniæ as he has both an aptitude and an enjoyment for taking charge of ambitious and large scale projects to promote the activity of his faction. He is a diligent individual who is best skilled in being both very patient and fore-thinking with a sense for long term goals and ensuring professional conduct in any given activities and projects the group engages in.


He speaks with a very rough, deep voice to the point many believe him to be perpetually suffering of a dry throat, however this is not the case as he suffers no such cause for his gruff tone of voice. Physically, he is well built and standing at 6ft and 6” tall with his entire body adorned with black and cream coloured fur. His tail is extremely long and bulky to the point of being almost oversized with a half diamond spade at the end of his tail which could almost be perceived to be some kind of blade or axe. Further down his tail are four long sharp tough spikes rooted directly into the bone in his tail. Four more large sharp spikes adorn his shoulders, giving him the appearance of being imposing and portentous when conducting public appearances or approaching his targets after they have been tracked down and holed up. All around his neck and broad shoulders is a mass of grey fur which is soft to the touch and keeps his neck well insulated in conditions predominantly cold in nature. On both his hands and paws, his fur fades into a grey gradient similar to Neriph’eto, however in much greater intensity, leading to four sets of long sharp claws which more often than not, prove to be a bit of an obstacle when pursuing fast moving targets on foot. His ears are rather rigid and do not bend much when flexed, nor does he have much capacity to move them around to his will. Tufts of hair adorn his head while in his right eye, there is an apparent case of partial heterochromia iridium, with half of his right eye appearing to be a pale shade of red as opposed to the uniform cream matching the rest of his body. Several irregular strips of cream fur coat the fronts of his legs in no seemingly particular pattern, but rather this just appears to be a case of unique markings developed from birth. Renoseria’oro’s trademark leadership personality stems from his background of being taught to take responsibility for his own actions to either reap the fruits of his achievements or negotiate the implications of his shortfalls, with his mother and father particularly being the types to champion his successes and foster much confidence in him to be a team player and swayer with minimal perception for limitation. Although the pressure has been on for him from a young age, this has appeared to have had no apparent negative impact on his ability to see an objective, formulate a means to obtain it, and apply it using the resources as appropriate. He has indeed taken this upbringing in stride to go on to found a highly active and influential group and ideology on the planet of Æleir. Aside from the championing of success, he has otherwise had a relatively unremarkable past with all the trademarks of what can be expected from the experiences of youth.


Incidentally however, this has resulted in him being the type of individual to scoff at unprofessional conduct, and shake his head at the thought of being over-pampered and adulated for his own individual ambitions. He is not the type to enjoy being fussed over and would rather maintain a professional relationship with those he comes into contact with. On the other hand, public and social events are a guilty pleasure of his as he likes to attend functions and other such situations where his otherwise overly-strait-laced demeanour would be seen as a bit of a buzzkill. Other hobbies of his include flying whether this be by way of personal flight applications such as hoverboards and body mounted technologies, or small to medium sized aircraft which has the capacity to travel at high speeds and perform ambitious manoeuvres through populated areas of the planet. Urban racing is a particular application that stems from this hobby. Due to the thrill of tense high speed movement and pursuit of goals, hunting is another hobby which has stemmed from this enjoyment for the thrill of pursuing a target that is a challenge to obtain. Mainly he restricts any hunting activities to the less developed species of the alien world, however this aptitude for hunting also has a practical application in the event of pursuing a target that has been identified and homed in on by his group, wherein the use of hunting skills can be useful to successfully neutralise and secure a target that has been a particular thorn in the side of the Nüsaniæ for extended periods of time. His preferred weather to be engaging in such activities is usually some form of rain or otherwise cold wet weather as this is both useful to him insofar as moisture is a big problem for any Æ-onüri possessing the abilities of electromagnetism, as well as allowing for him to keep a controlled and composed direction in the participation of such activities by preventing his mind from being overworked by high stress environments. Conversely, he does not enjoy spending any length of time in hot, dry environments and goes out of his way to avoid them by any means possible, mostly out of necessity for remaining composed as such can drive his body temperature to such a point that he is no longer able to think straight for overwrought attempts to keep his mind and body under control. Renoseira’s liking for situations cold in nature extends even to the subject of food as he has a particular taste for food that is cold and otherwise fresh, as opposed to hot food that has been tampered with as he is not particularly one for any kind of hot food. As far taste goes, he is not selective whether it be sweet, sour, bitter or spicy, so long as it is cold to the touch. Architecture is one of his lesser enjoyed hobbies as while he enjoys spending time admiring grand infrastructural designs and concepts, he has very little business in this sector and would rather simply enjoy from afar as opposed to have any significant investment in engaging in this interest.


Due to the nature of his profession however, some of his biggest satisfactions in life lie in being acknowledged and recognised for spreading the influence of his ideology due to the very fundamental nature this is to the end goals of his organisation, and by extension is most approving of co-operation in his attempts to deliver and convert otherwise uninterested bystanders into supporting his principles, and particularly formerly electromagnetically capable Æ-onüri as they are the biggest obstacle to the deliverance of his endgame. Conversely, he has very little tolerance for apathy towards subjects of any kind as individuals who are otherwise un-opinionated towards a subject of discussion have been known to be rather frustrating to him, eliciting such responses that would otherwise be considered inappropriate or unacceptable to express in a public environment. As far as he is concerned, everyone must have an opinion on something as it bugs him to know there are individuals who can go about life without caring for any single particular subject. Even moreso, dissent to his principles is even less tolerated in his mindset and will take on a personal vendetta against any individuals who go out of their way to avoid and defy him, as this is perceived to be a challenge to the spread of his beliefs. Any given defiant is a potential source of challenge in the eyes of the Nüsaniæ, therefore defiance must be addressed and neutralised wherever it is identified. This applies more than anywhere else to the ranks of the Nüsaniæ themselves as Renoseira has absolutely no patience for internal dissent and challenges to his leadership, and moreover the logistical chaos that this causes within the operations of the group. Organisation and professional conduct are sacrosanct to the functions of his faction, and when this breaks down, he must organise quickly to restore order to an otherwise spiralling and chaotic situation. His means of restoring order entirely depend on how bad the situation has grown, with the severity of the means being applied in varying degrees, from reprimanding to outright expulsion from the group, all in the name of pragmatism. At the extreme end of this scale, backchat is one way to be quickly looked down upon in the group to such a degree that most individuals break away of their own will due to the pressures of knowing they are being scrutinised for talking back to strategic directives implemented by the leadership of the Nüsaniæ. Other more personal irritations of his include the responsibilities of administration for the group, which is in its majority handled by another individual active within the group specialised in maintaining the accounting and admin of the faction, however it is not unheard of for Renoseira to make no secret of complaining when it comes to his involvement in administrative duties, and can often be heard loudly protesting before begrudgingly carrying out any administrative responsibilities on his part, however brief they may be.


An extension to this frustration is the puzzles involved in complex administrative processes, which has fostered a contempt for puzzle piecing and otherwise unnecessary complications in him. Although patient, he has little time for situations that could be made much simpler out of necessity of not being so difficult to piece together initially. On the more serious side of unfavourable subjects, Renoseira has an irrational fear of plants and any form of organic, non-sentient life forms. On Earth, this could easily be seen to be rather ridiculous, while on Æleir, the subject of plants can come to mean something far more foreboding as due to the high concentration of oxygen in moisture materials on Æleir, plant life has been known to grow wildly and unpredictably, to the point of becoming highly evolved and resilient, and by extension posing a real threat to Æ-onüri civilisation. Some species of plants, particularly plants native to an area of the world known as the Nãhu Irïonø (Iron Forest) have evolved to the point of being almost self-governing and capable of making occupation for other species of the planet difficult, not in the least due to the plants being extremely difficult to fight off and remove from areas of land that they grow on, but have rather developed means by which to actively trap and catch intelligent organic beings, and consume them whole and alive serving as food for the plants. Æ-onüri are not excluded from this food chain and as such, due to previous close encounters with such plant life, Renoseira has developed a severe aversion to these organic beings and makes a point of ensuring any operations are conducted as far away from such environments as possible, making such areas of plant populations a relatively safe escape for any individuals who the Nüsaniæ are targeting, but only insofar as they’ll have to be faced with a different kind of threat altogether by being there. A similar mentality holds true towards large bodies of deep water which have been known to play host to extremely large forms of marine life that do not put past possibility the act of feeding on Æ-onüri who stray too far out into bodies of water such as lakes and oceans in vehicles that do not provide sufficient means to protect them from marine life out in search of food. This has only historically been verified by the presence of Æ-onüri remains washed up on shorelines after having fallen unfortunate victim to these dangerous and extremely hostile creatures. Having previously lost more than one member of the Nüsaniæ to these aforementioned water dwellers, Renoseira has ordered the immediate restriction of any water based ventures to small shallow bodies of water, with anything beyond being strictly off limits without exception. Any given individual target drawing the Nüsaniæ out to the borders of these no-go zones shall instead be considered a decommissioned target and left to the mercy of nature for as long as they remain within these confines.