Renoseira'oro's Comments

Hey baby, Whats the hottest thing about me? Chose wisely..   

Haha wow okay where do I even begin to tackle that question... Hmmm..hmmM.....HMMM...your strength! Your strength and ability to kick ass are beyond compare 💦

Well Well.. I like that answer~ It seems your're into me kicking your ass huh? Good, I'm also into kicking your ass~ Hmm.... Next question, Does my ass look big in this?

Maybe just a little bit...nobody needs to know do they? Does your ass look big in that? Hmmm's not big and it's not small it looks lovely! Definitely got a bit of thiccness though which is good cos you can't crush a skull with meakly cheeks...

You're very thirsty Reno, do you need a drink? Its almost like you want me to crush your skull with my thick cheeks~ Tch tch, Cant wait to tell everyone how much of a weak dork you are, unless of course you can stop me~..   

Me, need a drink? Nah...I'll be okay..~ You know just as long as nothing happens to inadvertently bring that about...wouldn't be needing you making me look like a weak dork in front of everyone afterall...not that you'll say that to anyone right? Riiight? Right 😎

4 Replies