


4 years, 8 months ago


He’s dignified and classy, doesn’t let people touch him much. But hey give him part of your dinner and he might let you bask in his greatness. He’s the cat of the owner of a cool night club, and he’s let free in it. He roams in it like he owns the club, which isn’t far from the truth technically. He’s a bit of a mascot for the bar, people ask where he is when they pass some time in the night club and don’t see him. The owner of the club is a part of the werewolf mafia, so it’s commonly frequented by other mafia dudes. Everybody loves this cat, nobody can get enough of him ok, and he knows & love it. Smug and confident af. Maybe the cat is there to throw off a part of the werewolf scents idk, you’d think they’d have a dog > cat bias but nah. He’s a big reason Zoe frequents the club as much as she does

// if that role doesn’t work out for him maybe he’d be a ‘stray’, the kind that frequents and borrows food from some houses and is pretty popular in the neighborhood. The gang would still luv him lots tho, Zoe would basically have adopted the lil guy

Rest Assured Throne Secured AU: He's the chief of the rich kittypets' clan, the Elite. He gets lot of pats, attention and food so obvi he's the center of the world. Lowkey sociopathic, he has like, no empathy. He's a neat freak boyo and find any other cat that differs from a well respected kittypet from the city dirty. Vry keen on upholding the current cat hierarchy.  He comes from a kitten mill where he was one of the lucky ones to have more power over the others so that really strenghtened his worldview that the strongers have more right to stuff like food etc, he's very possessive and territorial. It's likely his owner knew of his background and decided to adopt him specifically because he's agressive and he views it as "strong"

What I want