Rorik Dragan



4 years, 10 months ago



Name Rorik Dragan
Called Rori
Age 31
Gender M
Race Human
Role Royal Advisor/Spy Master
Alignment Lawful Neutral
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A simple man in a privileged position who dreams of one day owning his very own fishing boat and spending his days at sea.


  • Fishing
  • The ocean
  • His horse
  • Swimming


  • Surprises
  • Wasps
  • People who lack a sense of humour
  • Wagons


Rorik is royal advisor to the ruling family in the country of Epistus. As such he is tasked with assisting and advising the two brothers of the king in all things they might need. Unbeknownst to both of them, however, he is also the reigning king's right-hand man, in charge of orchestrating and leading a coup to overthrow and annex their three neighbouring countries with which they have had a tenuous peace for several centuries now. While Rori feels that it might be an unfortunate choice, he doesn't question it as his loyalty and devotion for the king overshadows any doubts he might harbour.


˟ The Epistean advisor is a man that's hard to pin down. One moment he's all professional airs and focused on serving his country and his wards to the best of his abilities, while the next he's all easy smiles and boisterous laughter. ˟ It seems he's always on the move, doing one thing or another, talking to this person or that, reading over important papers or signing them, all while trying to guide the two princelings in the right direction. How the sly fox manages to fit in enough time for practical jokes or sleep is a mystery to everyone, himself included.


AGE11  ˟ He remembers standing at the edge of the docks, the world disappearing around him as his gaze lingers longingly on the slowly vanishing ships in the distance. The early morning air is crisp against his face, the gentle lapping of the waves against the stones of the harbour drowning out the hustle and bustle in the background. He knows they'll be back once the sun reaches its zenith, and he desperately wishes he could join the sunburned men and boys on the salt-kissed deck to bring in the glittering treasures that reside deep in the ocean. One day perhaps that'll be him out there, a ship of his own with a loyal and hardy crew. A slap to the back of the head shakes him out of his reverie, and the boy turns to leave with one last look to the horizon, seagulls accompanying the sound of his steps against the cobbles.

The Past

˟ Rorik doesn't talk much about himself or his past. ˟ To those who take the time to ask he shares a rather unremarkable story of a young man raised at the palace under the best tutelage the country could afford in order to prepare him for his future as advisor. It's always a rather short account, and the look on his face tends to stave off further inquiries.



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