Kinuko Suzuki



4 years, 9 months ago



Name Suzuki Kinuko 鈴木 絹子v
Nicknames N/A (Kinko)
Age 16
Gender Female
Race Asian (Japanese)
Talent Student Council President
Height 5'9"



  • Control
  • Bright Colors
  • Makeup
  • Social Games


  • Dull People
  • You, probably
  • Losing
  • Being Honest


Suzuki Kinuko is a controlling personality, at heart. Dangerously quick witted and sharp tongued, Kinuko has honed both her mind and her words into a fine toned weapon, ready to cut down right at the points she needs to. Ambitious to a fault, Kinuko almost always seems to have something to prove, whether it's obvious to others underneath the valley girl appearance she shares. Externally, she seems a little quiet, demure, even-- utterly weak and surprising to see with such a talent as the Student Council President. However, internally, she's fiery and great at making snap decisions, and has the drive to prove herself to continue to prove this. However, these good qualities-- her intelligence and drive, are all very warped, and tend to be focused towards bringing other people down, having absolute comparative power being her goal. She's manipulative, willing to do anything to assure her spot as 'in control,' of any and all situations. She rarely cracks in her facade, and hate's being talked down to, despite letting it happen again and again with those who she currently calls friends. Speaking of which-- socially, she's very noncommittal, preferring to keep loose ties to everyone, but never really committing to being close to anyone, rathering to keep those with high social status around her, regardless of whether she likes them or not. Even her closest friends currently can't quite name any particular traits of hers that really hit home. She's quiet, but driven-- and more notably, vengeful and hateful at her position in life due to her gender. This spitefulness is often taken out on other women, decompressing by devaluing those who don't fit the standards she was raised to follow.


Suzuki Kinuko grew up in Toronomon in Tokyo, underneath the impressive capital empire that is Suzuki Corporation. However, after having concieved Kinuko, her father actively grew restless at the thought of lying beside his wife, and sought out romantic company much more his style-- bringing home men when he'd send off his wife for 'treatment' days, or whenever her piano recitals led her out of the city. As such, Kinuko both bears the Suzuki Heir and her families well kept secret on her shoulders, and her shoulders alone. However-- being a woman, her family does not believe her capable of running the business, and instead, delegated her to tasks like beauty pageants and playing musical instruments, all in hopes of finding someone to marry into the family and take over the business. While practicing pageantry, Kinuko grew close with her next door neighbor, Ishikawa Chika, the now SHSL Cheerleader. They were practically inseperable, however, when it became apparent to Kinuko that Ishikawa was gay (and hadn't understood that yet) like her father, she told Ishikawa's parents, and anyone in the beauty circuit who would listen, forever cutting off her ties with Ishikawa Chika, considering her dead to Kinuko. Kinuko, however, frustrated and with nobody left to be close with, took a leap and started grabbing positions in school council, exercising her wit within school social scenarios to a scary level. HPA was originally going to sign her on as the Ultimate Beauty Pageant Queen, but she asked them to look at her as a potential SHSL Student Council President. Whether her family begrudgingly gave up money to procure that title, or whether the school found something of worth within Kinuko's adamacy is yet to be seen.




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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.


Character [ relationship ]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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