Zelda Telene Hyrule (SoP)



4 years, 10 months ago



Name Zelda Telene Hyrule
Called Princess of the Unity, Princess, Your Majesty, Zelly (by Tiusha and Cice)
Age 18
Gender Female
Race Hylian (despite one of her ancestors is Sheikah)
Role Princess of Hyrule
Alignment Lawful/Neutral Good
Theme Song link

"I thank you, Link, for always hearing me. But Hyrule needs a stable guide... How can I classify so if I wasn't good enough to defeat that very menace my ancestors triumphed over nor to help whoever is now suffering in Castle Town, how?"


  • Order and justice
  • learning new things
  • playing the harp
  • bittersweet food


  • fighting (especially against corrupted soldiers)
  • her guilt feelings
  • not being useful
  • lack of education


Zelda Telene Hyrule is the Princess of Hyrule and the first female born in the Royal Family of Hyrule after 100 years, therefore a descendant of Hylia. For this reason, added to the possibility of an incoming menace, her concerned parents took the drastic decision to rarely let the Princess go out of the castle and to give her the best education she would ever receive; this norm had become harsher after the premature death of her father when she was still a child. Aside of her contrasting desires to directly visit her land and to obey to her highly respected mother, she spent a rather peaceful childhood. While she was already prepared to act as a proper princess and was raised in a peaceful period, Zelda was still worried about her future both as a queen and as a descendant of Hylia, fearing to disappoint both her mother and her apparently invisible yet present people. Even at the beginning of her eighteenth year of life, still emotionally immature, she couldn’t do anything aside from a weak power of telepathic speech she gained when she was a toddler. In an apparently normal day of her life, an huge malevolent entity possessed her castle, imprisoning or corrupting almost everyone in it: the few umblemished members of the Hyrule army tried to attack the beast but were mortally defeated. While the Queen and her daughter tried to think about a solution, Zelda decided to send a telepathic help directed to everyone in the kingdom which only a comatose Link received. With both hope in her heart and worry about his safety, she asked Cice, the smallest being in her castle, therefore the most likely to pass unnoticed to Ganon, to reach for the hero and to cure him with a mixture of a medicine she prepared herself and the fairy’s own healing powers. She couldn’t do anything but revolving her prayers to the Goddesses and searching for some medicines and auxiliary weapons in the castle, in order to give Link the best aid she could offer. She bravely even tried to assist the Hero defeating Ganon, in a last useless hope to receive her powers from Hylia.

After the total destruction:

Usually described as calm, imaginative and compassionate, this Zelda often shows the tendency to be overly obsessed by negative thoughts and guilt feelings, especially after almost her entire court was killed by Ganon. Despite her first encounter with Link in the castle was hopeful, she started to keep herself distant from everyone after the accident and to feel useless to have not helped enough to avoid that tragedy. Spending most of her day in her room, she often asked herself the reasons she was gifted by such a weak power and why she wasn’t as powerful as her ancestors, trying to give herself an answer she couldn’t completely satisfy. She saw Link’s presence as the concrete incarnation of her own failures to her duties as both a Princess and a descendant of Hylia; therefore, when he came back to Kakariko Village from his first interdimensional travel, she preferred avoiding directly talking to him, preferring being mediated by Impa instead. However, as being particularly self-conscious, she was aware about the vicious circle which her behaviour could to her and the few people she could trust, so she took the wise yet difficult choice to restart a temporary new life and get used to the simple village life. Despite she was still emotionally overwhelmed by her beloved mother’s and court's grief, she was strong enough to become the assistant of Nanas, the mind who discovered and developed the Stone of Paths; and while she offered him to do some smaller works for him, she slowly became fascinated by his researches. She also befriended Tiusha, a cheerful Gerudo girl who kept staying in Kakariko village after finding her ideal voe in Nanas. Despite her firstly avoiding behaviour, Zelda became progressively closer to Link as well: she was deeply displeased about the lack of help she offered him, but eventually apologized to Link in tears and was happily forgiven, keeping evolving herself further. Positively influenced by both Nanas’ brilliant mind and constant effort in what he does, by Tiusha’s optimistic yet powerful behaviour and by Link’s selflessness and courage, she freed herself by her negative thoughts and influence of her mother starting to visit the lands immediately near around Kakariko village for some research requested by Nanas. In order to travel safely and to reassure a worried Impa about her wellbeing as both a surrogate child and as a Princess, Zelda also restarted practicing archery and learnt some sword basics from Link. However, the moment Zelda will remember the most was when another emotional crisis came: a dream happened during a stormy night suddened the miss of her mother’s stable role model rapidly interrupted her slowly healing process. This time, however, something changed; her heart was instilled with her first wish, a spark of hope in her previously pessimistic mind-set: to visit the Spring of Power, the Spring of Courage and, lastly, the Spring of Wisdom. She was insecure about her mastery with the weapons, so she asked Link, who already had to go there in order to find the Master Sword, if he could escort her. When the green dressed hero accepted, they prepared themselves and left the village despite Nanas, Cice and Impa’s doubts.

Her Redemption

Acting as the third and last guide in the game, after Cice and Tiusha, her bond with Link intensified to the point to reveal him her past and her feelings when the swordsman escorted her and protected her from the monsters. When they arrived to the Spring of Power and defeated the boss together, Zelda started to slowly gain Hylia’s powers, fully obtaining them as she lastly arrived to the Spring of Wisdom. As she would tell Link and Cice, when she prayed at each Spring, she internally reached up a state of ecstasy and felt surrounded by a comforting light Link would only catch a small grasp of; she also heard the reassuring words of her mother, who told her she was proud of her progress and that she would be a great Queen to Hyrule . Lastly she saw a beautiful and mysterious woman who kissed her right hand without saying anything. Back in her world, a Triforce jewel in her gown appeared. She felt for the first time in full peace with herself, as she felt her telepathy power improving and other abilities unlocking. As she progressively gained her powers, her help was crucial during in the resolution of the last few dungeons, and her intervention was crucial to reunite each Hyrule into an united big reign. She actively participated in the final battle with a dimension-merged Ganon, the most dangerous Hyrule ever witnessed until then; her godly abilities,united with Link’s skills and Master Sword (merged from the three dimensions by Hyrule’s unification) managed to defeat and seal it for a while. This incarnation of the dimension-merged Ganon, however, lasted for 500 years until it became more powerful: its freeing became the Calamity Ganon whose legend was narrated in Breath of the Wild. At the end of the adventure, despite facing up a first politically difficult period, Zelda was crowned as Hyrule’s Queen and her wisdom and diplomacy were loved by her subjects; it’s hinted in the game’s credits she visited the Redleaf village to speak again with a Link who implicitly accepted to marry her. Their children’s progenie after 10.500 years will give the birth to King Rhoam,and then to the Zelda of Breath of the Wild. Nanas’ discoveries and research, already known and developed by a small elite of Sheikah people Link would meet into his journey, were made famous by Zelda’s narration of the events: even more people were interested in his technology and his very first uses of the terminals and the Sheikah tablet, to the point they developed them for more uses, just as the future Sheikah Towers and Shrines. King Horatius from the Fallen Timeline abdicated the throne in favour of the owner of the Triforce and willingly dedicated himself to help the now Queen Zelda as her political adviser. Thanks to their resourceful knowledge about politics, as well as Hyrule’s cultures and timelines, their governing guidelines were useful to keep the Reign in peace for 500 years.



Link [ Hero ]

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Tiusha and Cice [ Friends ]

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Queen Herleva [ Mother ]

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