


4 years, 8 months ago



Called VEGA
Age APPEARS 19-22
Gender MALE
Race DAINTY BY pajuxi
Worth Must Be Appraised!

"This city is a poison. A silent, deadly, untracable poison that seeps into your bones the longer you live here. If existing here could even be called living. Day by day you search for some purpose, some reason to keep on going in this shithole of a place but you never find one. And that glimmer of hope is just replaced with the endless anger until eventually you become the very dirt that swallows this city whole. This city is a poison. This city is my home."


  • stars
  • collecting "treasures"
  • spicy food
  • rain


  • sweets
  • the unknown
  • smell of blood
  • loud noises


In the ruins of a desolate city, the depraved live hand in hand. Very few people work, choosing shadier methods to fund their lifestyles of drugs, sex and gore. Power struggles between gangs and government corruption have polluted the economy. Hybrids created during the fifth world war are discriminted against terribly by normal humans who beleive that they have made their lives harder despite most hybrids just trying to make a living themselves. Most are in hiding, not able to freely work due to fear of being attacked. The population is at an all time low thus increasing mass hysteria in the land. Here, the depraved are rewarded and the innocent don't exist.


Among the riff raff, a young "hybrid" (Dainty) makes a living doing odd jobs centered around recovery. Anzai is a collector of sorts. He collects old mementos from properties on the outer part of the city for cash. He usually spends the money buying things he wants/needs on the black market. He doesn't associate with anyone and is always wearing a mask when he is out on the job. He knows how to get into the old restricted areas of the city where the government doesn't like people snooping around. Because of this, the government is out to arrest Anzai in order to figure out what information he's obtained and terminate him. The problem is, they can't seem to track him down. He's very cautious and careful to avoid trouble.


Anzai is quite secretive about his past but it's obvious from his attitude and the scar on his face that his childhood was unfriendly. The only thing anyone knows about him is that he used to be in an orphanage that was in the restricted zone before the government took over it. At first, he began surveying the abandoned parts of the city to find information about his parents but then he started taking requests to find things for people. The "terrorist organization" that he's affiliated with is a bunch of criminals who want to expose the government's involvement in destroying the city. Also to investigate the recent sightings of mutated monsters in the restricted area. Anzai has even had a few close calls himself.



Shintarō [ informant ]

The closest thing Anzai has to a friend. Neither of them trust each other but Anzai often comes to him for information due to his skills. He's pretty skilled with technology but hardly leaves his place. He doesn't like sticking his neck out for anyone but still needs to eat.


Keiko [ nuisance? ]

Keiko is a half hybrid who attached himself to Anzai after running away from home. He is not street smart at all and causes more harm than good but keeps coming back to try to help. He's actually the illegitimate son of a corrupt government official who he hates.


Junta [ ??? ]

A hybrid who stays under the radar. He's extremely cautious around everyone. Takes care of his younger sister to keep her out of harm's way. Likes to mess around with Shintarō which is where he accidentally met Anzai and Keiko. Doesn't want to get involved in the shady things going on.

HTML by lowkeywicked