


4 years, 8 months ago


Name: Claire (AKA Eclair)

Age: 19

Gender: Female (She/Her)

Height: 5'6"

Sexuality: Pansexual

Occupation: Pop Star (Drummer)

Playing drums from a young age, Claire always dreamed of being a part of her own heavy metal band. So when she was picked up by a major record label for their newest band, her dreams seemed to be coming true.

Except she was recruited for a girl band.

A pop girl band.

A sugary sweet pop girl band.

And she had to change her name to fit the theme.

G r e a t.

Claire is a bit of an introvert, much preferring her own company over the company of others. Even in a performance setting, she seems to read as a very monotone and dry sort of person. She has trouble emoting well, so she doesn't really try to at all. She's extremely sarcastic and biting with her remarks when she wants to be, but is softer with her bandmates or people she considers her friends. Sort of. Just a little.


- Turkey Jerky

- Heavy Metal

- Snakes

- Knitting (though she'll never admit it)


- Sweets of any kind

- Pop Music

- Summer

- Mice


- While she's technically the least popular of the girls in the band (though not by much), her fans tend to be a lot more rabid. Which she likes and despises depending on the kind of rabid.