
4 years, 8 months ago



Name Agnes, Avatar of Chaos
Age Eons
Height 10" 0'
Species Ringox
Gender Nonbinary Woman
Pronouns She/Her
Orientation Bi
Relationship Status Complicated, Open Relationship
Occupation Avatar of Chaos
Theme tbd

Masterlist # #152
Ring Nature Red Fire
Core Diamond Cut Orange Topaz
Tail 10 Kitsune
Mutations Fire, Crystal, Ethereal Form

Status Forever Homed
Designer Myself
Worth $16
Obtained Via MYO Slot


Easily the first thing one notices about Agnes is that she’s completely unpredictable and extremely smug about it. She’s a trickster through and through, and she derives great pleasure from lording over others who fall into her traps. She’s not particularly benign about it either. It’s easiest to describe her as a “smug bastard”.

Agnes is exceptionally vain. She cares deeply about the way she looks, especially about her tails. Her tails are the most important things in the world, right next to causing trouble. She will go to great lengths to protect them, anything and everything else be damned!

Due to a variety of factors, such as her age, her apathy, etc., Agnes has an extremely low sense of empathy. Sure, she can have it on occasion. For the most part, however, Agnes revels in the misery of others and is oblivious to the emotional needs of those who would be the closest to her.

Agnes goes out of her way to cause problems. Or exacerbate problems. It doesn’t matter to her. If something big goes down and she doesn’t get her hands in it, she gets very disappointed. And if she gets that way, she just makes another problem. It’s a perpetuating cycle.

There is a very, very small part of Agnes that does genuinely care about people, however. It’s the part of her that makes sure her children are provided for and keeps her coming back to Kai and Mimi. Agnes hates to admit it, of course. Part of it is for others’ safety - she has many enemies and she doesn’t want her loved ones to get hurt. Part of it though is just out of her sheer chaos.

Design Notes

  • Agnes is able to shapeshift into the ringox feral form and the ethereal form. In the ethereal form, she is somewhere over 14 feet tall.
  • Agnes’ flames don’t burn things unless she deliberately wants them to.
  • Agnes is not particularly fond of wearing clothes. When she must, she wears a very short sleeveless dress that hopefully doesn’t snag on her gemstones.
  • Agnes’ gemstones tend to prove difficulty when doing things because they stick out so much.


  • Agnes was one of the first ringox created. She’s exceptionally old and would’ve died many years ago if it weren’t for the immortality granted her via her contract with the primordial force of Chaos.
  • Agnes has a contract with Chaos, in which her job is to spread as much chaos as possible and she gets immortality and some extra cool powers in return. She thinks it’s a fine trade.
  • Speaking of which, Agnes’ powers are pretty nifty. She’s capable of extremely long-range teleportation, very detailed shapeshifting into practically anything (her core can’t shift though), extreme pyrokinesis, and illusions that can affect all five senses and then some. She is truly a formidable foe.
  • Agnes has been alive so long that she’s kinda stopped caring about gender. Like, she’ll stick with what people call her but she just can’t muster up the energy to care when there’s chaos to do.
  • Agnes may not be fond of most people, but she has a very special hatred for The Exiled One and her followers.
  • Agnes is not her original name. She ditched her original name many years ago and doesn’t care to bring it up. Ever.


Once upon a time, back when ringox only had fox tails, back when the progenitors were young, back before The Exiled One became such, there was Agnes. One of the first ringox made by the progenitors, Agnes was well revered by many of the younger ringoxes. She was the archetypal kitsune - a trickster who loved to mess with the mortals.

What Agnes loved most, however, were her tails. She’d spend hours and hours grooming and/or admiring them - all nine of them. They were her pride and joy, the most important things in her life. Perhaps even more important than her children.

Unfortunately, the Exiled One wouldn’t take this at all. When she stole all the tails, she took Agnes’ extremely early on. To make matters worse, when the rest of the progenitors made new tails, she only got the one fox tail!

With her honor besmirched, Agnes began seeking help from much higher powers. She wasn’t sure what she was trying to get - perhaps a sapient star? Whatever the case, she definitely wasn’t expecting the literal, sapient, primordial force of Chaos to be interested in her.

Apparently, Chaos had been watching her for quite some time and had been pleased with the direction she was going. Her cry for some high power to take pity on her and bring her back her tails was more than enough for Chaos to push her into becoming a fully-fledged avatar of Chaos. So, in exchange for being Chaos’ avatar, Chaos snatched Agnes’ original tails right back from the Exiled One and put them back on Agnes, right next to her brand new one.

Agnes was perfectly fine with this. Not only did she have ten tails now, she also got a whole host of amazing powers and the ability to do literally whatever she wanted with minimal consequences. Of course, the first thing she did with these powers was spend a long time playing mind games with all the ringox deities, from the progenitors to the seasonal gods to the Exiled One herself. Especially the Exiled One.

Ever since then, Agnes has been messing with people on a variety of levels, from mostly harmless pranks all the way up to straight up burning things down and killing people. She’s built herself up a small legacy of children, some of whom aid her in her life’s mission and others who go their own way. She even has semi-stable partners somehow, though their relationship is almost always on the rocks. Agnes is pleased with her lot in her very, very long life and she hopes to continue to ruin people’s lives.


  • Fire
  • Her Tails
  • Chaos
  • Kids


  • People
  • All Gods
  • The Exiled One
  • Organizations
Kai Part-Time Husband

There’s a very fine line between love and hate, and Agnes and Kai are almost always toeing that line. It’s a constant and hellish cycle of marriage and divorce, fire and ice, war and peace. Oh, they’ve tried to break it off. Sometimes they manage up to a century. And yet at the end of it, someone’s always on their knees begging for the other back. Usually Kai. Sometimes it’s Agnes, but she hates to admit it. Regardless of where they are in their relationships, however, Kai will stick around for the kids. He cares about them deeply and wants to be a stable parent figure in their lives, no matter how old they are.

Mimi Part-Time Wife

Although the relationship between Agnes and Mimi follows a similar cycle to that of Agnes and Kai, it’s somehow softer. They manage to stay both together and apart longer and there’s no fire and ice, just the exhale of a candle being blown out for the night. It’s obvious to literally everyone that Mimi does genuinely care for Agnes, but is well aware at how much damage she’s inflicting on herself because of it. She too primarily sticks around for the kids, whom she cares about deeply. Agnes appreciates this - she knows she’s an awful mother, and is glad her children have someone to rely on.

Supernova Son

Supernova is literally Agnes’ oldest child. Not her oldest living child but the actual first child she bore all those many years ago, back when she still lived peacefully with the progenitors. Somehow, Supernova’s loyalty has remained with his mother all these years for which Agnes is grateful. He’s a very powerful ally to have, what with the fact that he’s half progenitor and all. Supernova even sprouted himself a tenth tail to be like his mom! What a sweet not-so-young man.

Winona Daughter

Even though Winona’s been around for a while, Agnes somehow manages to forget about her the vast majority of the time. It’s probably the fact that Winona prefers not to be noticed by anyone, least of all Agnes. They really don’t have a great relationship, even if Winona keeps all the shrines clean and well maintained. And quite frankly, Agnes doesn’t really care to maintain the relationship. That’s how she is with most of her children anyways.

Kraken Son

Okay, so Agnes might’ve freaked out just a tiny bit when Kraken was born. He’s just a bit freaky with all those extra eyes. Of course, Agnes should’ve figured he’d turn out like that considering that his father Terry communes with many eldritch beings. Incidentally, Kraken does too! He’s bound himself to the primordial construct of Order much the same way Agnes has to Chaos and spends his days hunting down monsters from beyond the void. Although their primordial alignments are complete opposites, Agnes couldn’t be prouder of him (even if he sometimes messes up her hard work by cleaning it up).

Quark Daughter

In what must be the turn of the century, one of Agnes’ kids has become a productive member of society. Quark is in fact a weaponsmith who provides weapons to the many settlements in the Outlands. As such, Agnes is extremely disappointed in her. Didn’t Agnes raise her better? Wasn’t she such a wonderful young arsonist, and now this? How dare Quark be a reasonable person who wants to relate to other people?

Olivia Daughter

Listen, there are very few things that can truly confuse Agnes these days. The whole “gamer” culture is one of them. Unfortunately for Agnes, Olivia is extremely invested in gamer culture. Olivia spends all her time playing video games, making videos about video games, and generally doing modern things that Agnes simply can’t wrap her head around. In general, Agnes leaves her to her own devices. Too many things going on over there.

Satsujin Rival

Although Agnes may hate the Exiled One, her cult, and that little brat Ayaka who fancies herself to be “old” while not even being 1,500 years old yet, but Agnes well and truly despises Satsujin. There’s something about her “salvation through tail removal” shtick and the fact that she’s as tall as Agnes that simply drives Agnes up the wall. As such, Agnes goes out of her way to try and mess with Satsujin. She’s doing her damndest to break Satsujin’s mind, but it doesn’t seem to be working.

Christine Rival

Although they might have started off cordially - doing favors for each other and the like - Agnes now well and truly despises Christine. She’s just too Chaos-damned organized! Seriously, what’s the fun at being the top of the chain when you could revel in the absolute anarchy? Agnes devotes a decent amount of her time to messing with Christine, but that damn woman just seems to laugh and laugh and laugh. Perhaps she’s already gone off the deep end.