Eli-Chi (JJBA sona)



4 years, 8 months ago



  • Name Eli-chi
  • Age Young Adult(ish)
  • Gender FEM(she-her)
  • Size 4'9, 100lbs
  • Stand Pink Siren
  • Ability Emotion Manipulation+Sound Mimicry
  • Alignment Neutral(switches from bad to good)



Initially she's pretty much a mix of pretentious,sassy princess + strong, independent women that won't hesitate to stab a bitch + flirty thot that sleeps with all the boys. However, once she warms up to the crusaders she becomes less "hostile"(still kinda pretentious and just as flirty tho) and kinda turns into the adorable, bubbly, puppy-like friend who always wants to keep spirits up, make everyone laugh, and is very affectionate/complimenting of them all(she still has her sassy moments though, mostly around Jotaro cause he teases her the most).
That all being said, she DOES get an occasional melancholic period where she's very quiet and mellow and lowkey having an existential crisis and will occasionally get nervous/passive around certain people*cough*jotaro*cough*. she doesn't let this happen around others because she doesn't want people to think differently than the persona she puts on


Known as "Pink Siren", this stand is an artificial non-humanoid, similar to Hermit Purple, has a radius of 10-15ft around the user. It primarily takes the forms of "ghostly" music notes/staffs(to those who can see it ofc) and is heard by anyone in the radius. The song that is played is able to control one's emotions in a positive way, meaning she can only make people happy,romantic(towards her lmao) or calm((later on she DOES learn how to control more emotions but not in part 3)). This ability's effect is best on people whose emotions/motives are easy to read, or those who are simple minded(EX Polnareff is very expressive/emotional and doesn't really use his brain outside of combat so it works really well on him. Whereas Jotaro doesn't show much emotion or allow himself to be controlled by others so PS doesn't work well on him cuz Eli can't tell what he's thinking/feeling).
It also works on Eli-chi and she tends to use it often(when she's alone) cuz she's kinda dying on the inside :'D

Pink Siren's second ability allows the user to recreate one sound at a time from any location in a 15ft radius around the user. It can be any sound that Eli-chi has heard recently OR a sound she has heard numerous times and is fimiliar with(EX she can recreate a cat's meow whenever she wanted because she's heard them enough to know what they sound like. But for something like a human voice, she would only be able to mimic it IF she heard it recently,as voices are harder to replicate 100%).This ability tends to be used as a distraction tactic or to pull pranks


-Eli-chi grew up an only child to a couple with really well-paying jobs. However, her parents were rarely home, once she was no longer a baby ofc, so Eli-chi learned to entertain and survive on her own for the most part. her parents would hire the occasional butler/maid to up-keep the house and "care" for her anyway.
-Her mom was a doctor(which is where eli-chi gets the desire to care for others) that was top of her fields and traveled to places that needed her most(mostly third world countries), and her dad was a CEO of a big company and would travel a lot(idk what kinds of stuff he did in detail it doesn't really matter lmao)
-The only time she got to spend time with them was during family vacations they had twice a year, where they would go to Egypt for a couple months. IN FACT, her family actually owned the mansion DIO ends up taking over while they were on said vacay, but they were killed by DIO when he arrived. Eli-chi was able to escape tho('nigerundayo' amirite?) but that's why/how she ends up meeting the Crusaders and joining them



  • The Crusaders uwu
  • Fancy Clothes/Jewelry(loves to dress up)
  • Having fun/making people happy
  • Sweet/Savory foods


  • Really Spicy Foods(she can handle a little spicy)
  • Scorpions/Snakes
  • Most Loud/Repetitive Noises
  • When She Can't Cheer People Up

  • Eli-chi was born deaf and had a hard time making friends with other kids when she started school. Thankfully it only lasted till the age of 9-10, when Eli-chi got her stand, and because it is sound based, she gained the ability to hear things :D
  • Even tho Eli grew up in a rich fam she is pretty generous and less materialistic as she seems(she still LOVES to buy things and own pretty/fancy stuff but also understands items are just items and doesn't get attached to things)
  • Eli-chi knows three languages (WOW so cultured!) which are English, Arabic(can speak and read MOST of it) and sign language
  • Eli-chi LOVES to eat food and actually eats quite a bit for her size but she has good metabolism so she's not that heavy
  • Jotaro is the only person Eli has met that isn't affected by Pink Siren AND he's one of the few people she gets nervous around(the other is Avdol because she really respects him and wants him to like her)
  • Star Platinum is Eli's favorite stand and she has been known to get really excited when he's unleashed and has complimented him numerous times. she will also never admit it out loud but she's jealous of Jotaro for having such a cool stand
  • The main reason Eli-chi shows off so much skin is because she gets heat exhaustion frequently, despite living in Egypt for a big portion of her life(that AND she's kind of a thottie lmao)


Bubblegum bitch - Marina And The Diamonds
Primadonna - Marina And The Diamonds
World Is Mine - Hatsune Miku