Eli-Chi (JJBA sona) (Eli&Others)


Basic Info

This tab is dedicated to drawings of Eli-chi and any of the other JJBA characters BESIDES Jotaro and Polnareff. Below are the characters and Eli's relationship/feelings towards them. All of these boys(minus iggy and sometimes joseph) are characters that can be shipped with Eli-chi!

References for all the boys can be found here: https://sta.sh/2q9cam62k5i?edit=1



Friend/Crush/Future Husband A


Jotaro Kujo

At first the two of them don't get along very well. Jotaro was very suspicious of her intents/morals and he often found her optimism to be annoying; and Eli-chi having mixed feelings because he's the only person that was not affected by Pink Siren(which had never happened before), and he tends to tease her a lot on their trip, calling her names like "half-pint" and "princess"(ofc not in a nice way). But, at the same time, she finds him VERY attractive?? and develops feelings for him rather quickly. Luckily for her, as they journey together and she opens up to the Crusaders more, Jotaro's feelings change and he respects, even likes, her. (This leads to the timeline where they get together in part 4)

Friend/Crush/Future Husband B



This loud,goofy, and flirty individual quickly gained interest in Eli-chi's heart.(I mean, with those beautiful eyes, big biceps and amazing cleavage, who could say no to him??). He is her knight in shining[silver]armor and she is his beautiful queen that he'll do anything for. Out of the Crusaders Gang, he's the one who gets the most physical affection from her(well, aside from Iggy but he's almost never with the group...). In Polnareff's timeline, him and Eli-chi get married and live in France together,after Egypt/part 3. but they stay close friends with the Joestars and visit often(WIP, as im still finishing the anime).

Best Friend



Kakyoin doesn't see her, or her stand as a threat/nuisance, even after being affected by it a couple times. Out of the group, kakyoin is the first one to say yes to her traveling with them and convinces everyone else to agree. Especially after learning she escaped DIO's grasp. Which is something he wish he could've done and highly respects her for. He somehow sees the determination,dedication and strength she has and is always the first to trust and believe in her. (Kakyoin also relates to being an introvert with no friends so liiike bonding moment!!) Even if she's unsure how he's able to read her feelings so well(sometimes better than herself), she appreciates his kindness towards her, especially when she doesn't think she deserves it. Kakyoin is lowkey her very supportive and understanding boyfriend and she's so grateful to have him in her life. They can often be seen chatting, joking with each other,annoying Jotaro lmao, and being divas/pretentious together.

Grandfather Figure/Adoptive Family


Joseph Joestar

Starts out as someone Eli manipulates and occasionally flirts with(mostly to bug Jotaro :'D) but she gradually gains a kinship with him, and vice versa. He's always been there to calm her down when she starts to freak and he knows she means well, even if she sometimes does questionable things...
In Jotaro's timeline, Joseph offers for Eli to live with him and Suzie-Q back in America until she learns enough Japanese language/culture to move in with Jotaro and live with him in Japan.(i'd like to clarify he doesn't ACTUALLY adopt her but like..treats her like family cuz she don't got any left after pt 3). also they're favorite pass time is bugging Jotaro XD

Close Friend



Avdol admires how Eli does her best to make everyone happy,especially on such a stressful trip. He finds her bubbly personality to be very "fun and cute" and is usually the one to ask about Eli's motives/past or make normal conversations with her in their spare time. Eli-chi looks up to him very much(and not just because she's short..)as he's very smart/clever,humble and mature for his age which she finds charming. The two of them also enjoy similar foods and cracking jokes which makes them bond even more.

Good Boy/ "pet"



Uncertain with her at their first meeting(as he was with everyone else) but after some loving pets and yummy snacks, he quickly begins to accept the attention Eli gives him, even if she tends to be clingy and smother him. This makes Eli very happy because she always wanted a pet growing up but was unable to. Sometimes he will follow her around and jump into her arms/lap for attention

HTML by lowkeywicked