Chester Churiisu




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Chester Churiisu (Chest-ter ~ Chu-ree-su)



From the bottom of the economic chain to the top, Chester is a Deanimalistic Nimysian who caved his own path. He always wanted to know about the foreign world, and chose from when he was young that he'd seek to find out. So he did a little lying on his resume, saying he was Animalistic, but his charm let him get the internship anyways. Ever since then, he made his very long trek to the top. Which wasn't the easiest, small division and all. No competition meant he was constantly watched and judged for his social status. But niceties got him where he needed to be. So now he quietly helps Nimysians leave the Kingdom and travel wherever else as they please. But quiet, shhh, its illegal.

Chester is 29, 3'10, and Deanimalistic.

Code by AviCode