★ Tom / 2023 ★



4 years, 9 months ago


  • TOM

  • full name Thomas Hughelford
  • age 57 y.o. (28 human)
  • gender Male
  • species Royal Demon, RRC
  • height 194 cm



Cold, jelous, or if he likes you- caring, helpful, devoted


Has been through a lot in his life, now he's learning to be himself and not to worry about what other people think. Has a smol kid and a few loans but he's glad how his life looks like.

! Important notes !

As a royal race demon he has lion features (fur, lion legs and tail)

body type muscled

sexuality pansexual

sin envy

date of birth 14.08.1966

origin Underground

residence Underground

occupation Eden gate guardian

status married

Random facts

- Has agression problems
- Doesn't smoke
- Got scars in army and while fighting his brother
- Can speak English, Latin, Polish and Russian fluently


  • rock
  • whisky
  • dark humor
  • sleeping


  • sun
  • his bro
  • cold


He's a child of two powerful demons. His dad's a deputy of the king, he's the head of the army during the war. Tom was quite a weak demon even though he's from the royal race. After his brother Vincent was born Tom wasn't that important to his parents anymore because they were delighted by their younger child's power. Tom's a sin of envy so he was always angry with his parents and brother. Vincent was always bragging about his power (because he's a sin of pride)and this made Tom even more mad that he's weaker than his younger brother. While Vincent was having a "low-power" period of growing up Tom beat him up badly and broke one of his horns.

Tom was always studying and working hard to get stronger. Now when he's at the age of 53 he's a powerful demon but still not as powerful as most of the other royal race demons. He's scared because it is said that a demon from the royal race who won't achieve their true power before 60 y.o. aren't worthy of being royal.

Everybody in the Underground knows only Vincent, no one heard about Tom. So everybody pays him respect when he says his King Deputy's son because everyone thinks he's Vincent. Even though he likes it, he's really fed up with being the weaker brother.

More current

After all the studies Tom had been having to get stronger he went to some kind of college to become an emissary and go on Earth. His first summoner was Matt. They really liked each other and Tom... fell in love. They lived happily on Earth, Tom fulfilled Matt's request (which was to kill Kris, Matt ex, Tom made him commit suicide). Now according to rules Tom should lead Matt to suicide and take his soul, but he couldn't.


A year later Tom's power began destroying Matt's body, he soon died and Tom took care of his soul and saved him. Matt could stay in the Underground as a normal demon and they've been living together since then.


Matt [ husband ]

When Matt was still a human (alive) he summoned Tom. After Matt's death Tom took care about his soul and helped him become a demon.

< !--------------------------- CHARACTER LINK -------------------------------------->

Leo [ son ]

His biological son, smol baby


Clara [ best friend/ ex gf ]

They were in a relationship some years ago but they split up in peace and became best friends.


Bruce [ good friend ]

They met in army many years ago, after they both left it they still keep in touch but don't meet so often. Although they still can count on eachother.


Vincent [ brother ]

Tom's younger brother. Vincent's the pride sin and Tom's envy that's why they never get along. Vincent has been stronger (in power) than Tom since one event in the future. They basically hate eachother.


Ellen [ friend ]


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