Ayumi Kihara



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Ayumi Kihara

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― Keiji Akaashi

Ayumi Kihara

Kanji 木原 歩魅
Rōmaji Kihara Ayumi
Character Information
Also Known As Ami-chan (by Koutarou), Ayu (by Kenma)
Gender Female
Date of Birth November 27
Age 16 (High School 2nd Year)
22 (Current)
Height 164,3 cm
Home town Tokyo
Home country Japan
Background Information
Family Kihara Sora (Older brother)
Kihara Emi (Younger sister)
Likes Video games, music and movies, swimming, cooking, odd-colored flowers, ice-cream, competitions, oversized shirts, penguins
Dislikes Heat and drought, coffee, peppermint, strong aromas, crowds, messy places, noise, especially noise that she can't place, thunderstorms, math class, spiders
Professional Status
Occupation High School Student (2nd Year, Class 6) - 2012
University Student (Third Year) - 2017
Team Fukuroudani Academy (Former)
Position Manager
Seiyu Information
Voice Actor --

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Ayumi is a very self-conscious type of girl, always wondering what others might think of her, but aside from thinking about it, she doesn't purposefully do anything to make them like her more or less. Still, she's quite adaptable, so she'll definitely find the right tone to talk to someone or to deal with someone when the situation calls for it. She's rather independant, as she's learned to be able to do things herself at an early age and her maturity shows especially when she's with the volleyball club.
Strangely enough, she usually manages to keep the bunch of overenergetic boys in control, as she's not only understanding and kind, but also assertive and firm. If she's laid her eyes onto something, she is persistent and stubborn until she gets it, but due to her being easily excitable and clumsy, she's prone to accidents and awkward moments.


As a regular member of the swimming team in middle school, Ayumi naturally wanted to resume swimming in high school. When she was told that Fukurodani didn't have a swimming club, she was pondering about whether or not to apply for that school at all, even though her childhood friend Keiji would be going there. There were more than enough other schools in Tokyo and she heard that Nekoma High did have a reputable swimming team.
In the end, she applied for both schools and got accepted to both. While she was certain that she would go to Nekoma, Keiji and her spent that spring break before high school together, playing volleyball and video games, since her parents were on a business trip again. Then, on that evening before the school confirmation deadline, the two of them were alone at his house watching a movie, when Keiji casually mentioned that it would be weird without her. They had spent their whole childhood together, going to the same schools and events, spending most of their vacations together.
She simply agreed with him, but inwardly, she was happy about his words. He rarely talked about feelings, despite the fact that they've known each other for so long.
The next morning (she hadn't slept the whole night as she made up her mind) she submitted her confirmation letter for Fukurodani without telling Keiji.


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High School (2012)

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Current (2017)

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Original Statistics

Game Sense

In middle school, Ayumi was a starting member of the swimming team and swam butterfly competitively, so her jumping power and stamina are rather high. Aside from that, her volleyball skills are just enough to play a decent game with a respectable game sense and technique, but she was never inclined to join the girls' volleyball team. She is, on the other hand, an enthusiastic violin player and some might say she should've focused her efforts on her musical talent rather than managing a sports club.


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Keiji Akaashi

"Keiji" - "Ayumi"
Keiji and Ayumi have known each other and have been friends since elementary school. At that age, Ayumi would always be running behind her brother and break out in tears if he left her alone, so making her go to school was particularly tricky for her parents. Keiji was just watching her one day and saw her cowering in the hallway, waiting for her parents to pick her up and because he was waiting to be picked up, too, he crouched down next to her.
After a while with only the sound of her soft sobbing aside from several footsteps down the hallway, he asked her why she didn't like school. He didn't really like it either, but if something was bothering her, she should say so. She just looked at him with round eyes, so bewildered that she forgot why she had been crying. With an adorable pout on her lips, she muttered something that sounded like he was the one that she didn't like about school and that she didn't need his help (although he hadn't offered it in the first place.) She couldn't deny that his presence calmed her down and time would pass much faster with him next to her even though they didn't talk.
A few days later, Keiji realized that he better shouldn't have approached her as she turned out to be not quite that shy when she opened up to someone. And she did open up to him, throwing all her energy and stubbornness and weird naive ways of thinking at him, but he never complained. Not when she fell down the stairs and he wanted to take her to the nurse room, but she downright refused to depend on him, so he just tagged along behind her. Not when she asked him to come to school with her even on their summer break, because her parents weren't at home and she didn't only want to spend time with her siblings or have violin practise the whole summer. And not when she asked him to smile for her, because his smile made her happy, she said. He would only do it, because he knew she wouldn't stop bugging him about it if he didn't.
Over the years, it became normal that she waited for him before school, so they could go together and after school, they would either go to her house or his, until her brother called or his parents picked him up. It became easier for Ayumi to make friends in middle school, especially when she joined the swimming club, but she found she'd rather watch Keiji practise volleyball than go shopping with her girls.
It isn't until their last year of middle school, when Keiji turns down another girl's Valentine's day gift, that Ayumi realizes she's relieved about it and that her feelings for him might have changed and that it wasn't purely friendship anymore. She didn't want to risk their friendship though, so when it came to deciding which high school to go to, she supressed the immediate urge to choose the same school as Keiji.. In the end, her last minute decision to actually go to Fukurodani also marks her decision to find out about Keiji's feelings first, before running away from hers. (EDITING)

Koutarou Bokuto

"Bokuto-san~" - "Ami-chan" (or "Kihara-chan" when talking to others about her)
When Ayumi met Koutarou for the first time on her first day of high school, the -at that time- second year and freshly chosen captain was already going on and off about his strength and that the first years should call him senpai if they wanted him to teach them anything. She had just wanted to pick up Keiji from his first volleyball practise, but Koutarou wouldn't stop bragging and ended up making her laugh so much, that she had to sit down and ask for a drink.
While Keiji disappeared to get one, Koutarou told her that Keiji is a 'not-bad-at-all' setter and that they were happy to have him in the team. He then also proposed Ayumi to join the club as their manager, since she seemed to put Keiji at ease. After that, as Keiji and Koutarou became friends outside of volleyball, Ayumi would be happy to provide her place as a meeting place for them and the team. She'd be happy to have Koutarou around, (IN PROGRESS)

Akinori Konoha

"Konoha-san" - "Kihara-chan"
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Kenma Kozume

"Kenma" - "Ayu"
Even though their teams would often meet for practise matches, Ayumi and Kenma would be indifferent about each other at first. Kenma just didn't stand out to Ayumi and he couldn't care less about the opponent team manager although he did notice her overflowing energy when she stood at the side of the court, cheering for her team. Ayumi was the one who approaches Kenma on one of those days after practise, when he walked past her, his eyes on his POP, but still not tripping over his feet at all. And not bumping into her either. She looked after him for a few seconds, fascinated by that ability, before she yelled after him, asking him what game he played and how he couldn't possibly be good at it if he could still walk like that. She startled him, but that did it.
After that incident, whenever the Fukurodani and the Nekoma volleyball team collide, the two of them would spend the times before and after the matches hiding in some random corner to play the newest POP games that either she or Kenma brought. And one would not believe it, but they get along pretty well despite of their different personalities. Ayumi would always get really excited and loud while gaming and she moves a lot which makes it hard for Kenma to watch, so he just sits back and wonders if a video game takes that much passion to play. When he plays, she's surprisingly quiet as she watches from over his shoulder. And when they play against each other, their team members would usually come and form a circle around them, cheering and betting on them as their competitions would result in the same amount of points for both, most of the time.

Kei Tsukishima

"Tsukishima-kun" - "Kihara-san"
Kei is one of the few people that manage to irritate Ayumi on a regular basis. She met him for the first time on his first Tokyo trainingcamp and she was quick to figure out that he was the type of person she wouldn't be comfortable around. His rude behavior even towards upperclassmen never ceases to make her frown, but she's also quick to adapt to it and learn to find just the right witty words to make him fall silent from time to time. It's then that she begins to enjoy his company and although she would never admit it, his dry remarks can really be hilarious.

Rima Aoyama

"Aoyama-san" - "Kihara-san"
Unlike Ayumi, Rima was never a regular member of her middle school's swimming team, she only took part at practise for fun and when she didn't have volleyball practise and she was a decent substitution when one of the other girls dropped out at a tournament. So when they met at a tournament for the first time, it's in their last year of middle school. Ayumi's team just barely won the relay and she naturally wanted to know why she hadn't ever seen the other girl on official tournaments when she had been that excellent. So, as she accepted the words of congratulations from the other team, she called Rima out for a talk. (IN PROGRESS)

Michiru Yaiza

"Michiru-chan" - "Ayumi-senpai"
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  • Current concern: Someone anonymously put lovely sweets into her locker on White Day and she feels uncomfortable not to know what it means and who it is from so she can thank the person.
  • Ayumi is the middle child of a fairly prosperous family, her brother Sora being older than her, while her sister Emi is the youngest. She always lets Emi crawl into her bed when the little one has nightmares, since she's a great elder sister, yes, yes. Her parents are usually 'away on business', so the grand Kihara household is the place to hold your Friday night parties. But since she doesn't like too crowded places, she prefers a quiet get together in her room with her favorite people and her favorite movies or video games.
  • Her father works at SOMY's, that's why most of her technical devices are from that brand. She's pretty interested in computer technics herself, so she likes to bring him lunch and learn from him. She's the one who repaired Hyo's phone which broke when he arrived from Korea at the Tokyo airport. He's also saved her phone number back then and they've been in contact ever since.
  • Video games are her thing and since she always gets all the newest consoles and gets to play the newest games, she's also pretty confident, even in competition with Kenma.
  • Her family has a swimming pool in their garden and it's mainly Ayumi who uses it to practise sprints or swims casual laps. She was a starting member of her swimming team in middle school and swam butterfly, before she gave up swimming competitively as she became the Fukurodani male volleyball team manager.
  • Her favorite subject is music and she plays five instruments, but primarily the violin.
  • It seems that, whenever she's at Akaashi's, she sleeps in one of his shirts and can't seem to take them back in the morning, so she accidentally takes them home with her. They're mostly shirts with owl prints that Bokuto gave Akaashi and he loves to see Ayumi in them.


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Profile by Erandia
Edited by KiSsicchi using assets from ChainOfRain