


7 years, 11 months ago


  • Mikaela

  • 1795222_f2cPID5oUQZDnWP.png?1493729835
  • Age 19
  • Gender Male
  • Species Dragon

"What a lovely day"1680442_PCGM3Uh4yElGYh7.gif?1493729830

 Mikaela is a dragon you'd find creeping inside houses in the middle of the night scaring and killing people. He has a small pierced hole on his tail where a ring is put so it stays permanently open and bells are hung there. The hole can't heal so it always bleeds and his crooked smile doesn't make him any less creepy. Further, the crazy look in his eyes just confirms he is not completely sane.
 He has been around for years, tormenting and killing. A lot of people are out to get him and want him dead. Leaving blood trails, he can be easy to track, but very hard to catch even a glimpse of.
 Because of his dripping wound sometimes people will find random drops of blood around their houses. This led to the creation of a superstition that blood drops on the floor mean upcoming death, so be careful when you're cooking...


DoB: 18.06
Height: 170 cm
Length: 6 m
Sexuality: heterosexual
Blood Type: -
Bought for/ Design worth: -
Current worth: -

  • bells
  • corpses
  • killing
  • night time
  • daylight
  • people, because he knows their sins are what causes his suffering
  • -


creep, evil, sadist, psychopath


Mikaela was born somewhere in the Sedmia River Valley caves. He roams the lands in Sedmia River Valley and Coromost mountains where he brings fear and terror among the people.

It's unknown exactly what gave Mikaela all his wounds, but the reason they don't heal and don't kill him at the same time is Sin. Soon after he noticed Mikaela's bloodthirst he decided to make him a sin carrier- in other words Mikaela lives in constant suffering because he carries the weight of people's sins and this makes him twice as aggressive as he would be otherwise. If it wasn't for Sin, Mikaela would be long dead.


[ brother ] They hate each other. They've met a few times throughout the years and each of them ended in a fight.


[ half-brother ] Originally Chase was Mikaela's and Mai-Bo's brother, but Sun decided to alter his genes a bit and take him away, which left Chase half-their brother and half-god. Chase and Mikaela don't know each other.
