


4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

It's me

ŵħǫ ǻŗë ŷōū


  • Ankara

  • age 19 y.o
  • gender Girl
  • race Anomalia
  • role/goal control her anxiety
  • theme

Kind • Weak • Creative


Her 3rd eye wakes up when she is angry or anxious.

She is courageous enough despite her fears.

She is in love with Neptune.

Her 2 stars turn and turn again around her.



"Stars are free."

height 1m65

weight 47kg

pronouns she/her

s.o. lesbian

dob 15.08

age 19


occupation student


  • Chocolate
  • Raspberry
  • Music
  • Flowers


  • Bunnies
  • Anxiety
  • Discriminations
  • Her mother

The adorable sisters

Elise and Ankara are sisters. When their were children they played often together and Elise took care of Ankara. When Ankara were 5, they mother take them to a research building, they are both separated in a different wing of the building. Elise could not endure certain experiences unlike Ankara, so she went mad. The spirit in her eye materialized, made her blind, and control her now. At 11 years old (for Ankara, 14 for Elise) Ankara goes around the building, because she could move around during these free times. At the same time Elise had managed to get out of her room and her wing of the building. They therefore crossed paths. Elise, or rather her eye, attacks Ankara, she wounds her in the eye. Since then, her eye has been black instead of white and she often has anxiety attacks.

A future love history

After Ankara fled the research center when she was 14, Ankara walked without stopping, aimlessly or hopelessly with only two daggers she had taken from her foster father and then collapsed from fatigue and hungry on the road. A couple of people drove past her, stopped and then decided to take charge of her for a while. Ankara woke up in an ordinary room, not as white as the one in the center anyway. She woke up slowly because she believed herself in paradise. She looked around then she saw the front door open. An unusual young girl entered. They looked at each other for a long time then the young girl stepped back while Ankara began to have a panic attack. The couple who had pulled her back arrived with a maid by their side. They took care of her, explained to them why she is there and Ankara in turn explained why she found herself collapsed on the side of a small road in the countryside.They decided not to bring her back to the center and to take care of her like their own daughter. It is insit that Ankara met the girl named Neptune. They shared the same life, the same education and the same room elsewhere.

The best friend

At they 16 and 17 years old, Neptune and Ankara can finally get out. They often walked around town and went to a nearby cafe for a drink. They therefore got acquainted with the two servers named Kowhai and Nao and became very close thereafter.



[ Girl friend ] Her love of her life. They met after the escape of Ankara in the center.



[ Sister ] They were happy before.



[ Best friend ] Ankara and Neptune's best friend. They met in a coffee.



[ Best friend ]Ankara and Neptune's best friend. They met in a coffee.

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