


4 years, 7 months ago


  • Kowhai

  • age 26 y.o
  • gender Girl
  • race Anomalia
  • role/goal take care of her friend
  • theme

Kind • helpful • Intelligent


She is the only one who can control her 3rd eye.

She is distrustful.

She is actually in love with Nao.

Her 2 stars turn and turn again around her.

She can smoke sometimes when she is stressed but it's rare.


"Stars are shiny."

height 1m72

weight 52kg

pronouns she/her

s.o. pansexual

dob 12.11

age 22


occupation works in a cafe


  • Her friends
  • Tea
  • Cake
  • Sun flowers


  • Irritating people
  • Bullying
  • Discriminations
  • Her familly

The poor girl

Kowhai grew up in a quite poor family. Her family didn't like her so much, so she was able to fend herself alone quickly, especially with certain groups of teenagers who harassed her and snowshoeed her when she left her house. Some said that those golden horns and tail must sell for a high price.

A future love history

One day at their 8 years old, Nao saw Kowhai beig harassed as usual by local teens in a small alleyway out of sight. This time it was more violent than usualy. Kowhai was defending herself but they ended up knocking her against a wall, she fain, her head bleeding. The teenagers left so as not to have any problems. Nao took the opportunity to get Kowhai back and get help. He carried her and found a rather dilapidated corner with a homeless man who offered to help them, which Nao accepted because he had nowhere to go. However, the teenage group had followed him. But this time, Nao didn't want to let it go. He got upset, a little, a lot, TOO MUCH. A carnivorous flower grew behind his back and his 3rd eye woke up. The teenagers got scared and left. A carnivorous flower grew behind his back and his 3rd eye woke up. The teenagers got scared and left. Nao lacked mental and physical strength so fell in turn. An old man passed by and took them to the nearest hospital. After this incident, the old man went to talk to Nao's parents. He suggested to his mother to keep Nao for a while, until they separate. After this incident, the old man went to talk to Nao's parents. He suggested to his mother to keep Nao for a while, while they were apart. Unfortunately, before his mother left, his father beat her and was exhausted. She ascended to heaven even before she had lived a peaceful life with her son. His father went to jail and the old man had custody of Nao. He studied and ended up working in the cafe where he had lived all this time, the old man's cafe.

The best friend

At they 16 and 17 years old, Neptune and Ankara can finally get out. They often walked around town and went to a nearby cafe for a drink. They therefore got acquainted with the two servers named Kowhai and Nao and became very close thereafter.



[ Boy friend ] Her love of her life. But not in public !



[ Best friend ] They met in the coffee.



[ Best friend ] They met in the coffee.



[ ??? ] The next time I see her, she will leave quickly.

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