🤸‍♀️🎻 Kit 🎻🤸



Name Kit
Status Paused - The Shattering of Runeterra
Class Bard - College of Satire
Race Yordle
Background Legendary Lineage
Alignment Chaotic Good
Level 1
Exp. Points N/A

Age 112
Height 2ft. 3in.
Weight 34lbs.
Build Smol
Gender Cis female
HomelandBandle City
Profession Circus jester / Political ambassador
Inspiration 0 (0)
Proficiency 2 (0)
Passive Wisdom 12 (0)
HP 9 (9)
Temp HP 0 (0)
Hit Dice 1 (1)
Armor Class 14 (0)
Speed 25 (0)
Initiative 0 (0)
Strength 10 (0)
Dexterity 16 (3)
Constitution 12 (1)
Intelligence 10 (0)
Wisdom 10 (0)
Charisma 18 (4)
Acrobatics 5
Animal Handiling 0
Arcana 0
Athletics 2
Deception 4
History 2
Insight 2
Intimidation 4
Investigation 0
Medicine 0
Nature 0
Perception 2
Performance 4
Persuasion 6
Religion 0
Sleight of Hand 3
Survival 0
Vicious Mockery DC14 1d4 Psychic
Light Crossbow +5 1d8+3 Piercing
Dagger +5 1d4+3 Piercing

Morbi quis purus vitae
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
Morbi quis purus vitae
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
  • Light crossbow
  • Dagger
  • Leather Armor
  • Violin
  • Flute
Food & Aid
  • Rations (5)
  • Waterskin
  • Candle (5)
  • Entertainer's pack
  • Disguise kit
  • Traveling clothes
  • Costume
  • Backpack
  • Bedroll
  • Signet ring
  • Playing card set
Morbi quis purus vitae
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
Morbi quis purus vitae
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
Morbi quis purus vitae
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
Features & Traits
Pocket Dimension
Yordles have access through their innate magic to create a special pocket dimension, which helps them carry objects up to half their size with a total weight of 60lbs. They can access and reach into this dimension at any time, but they are the only beings allowed to use it.
Thanks to your Yordle heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Yordles' innate magical prowess gives them inexplicable luck that seems to kick in at just the right moment.

When you roll a 1 on the d20 for an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
Good Reputation
Since your family name is known, you can reap many benefits by flying the flag of your heritage. People in positions of power and privilege are willing to take a meeting with you and grant you favors. The DM decides the extent and effect of these favors, but they shouldn't involve lavish gifts or great personal risk to the granter.
Bardic Inspiration
You can inspire others through stirring words or music. To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn to choose one creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you who can hear you. That creature gains one Bardic Inspiration die, a d6.
Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it makes. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 before deciding to use the Bardic Inspiration die, but must decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails. Once the Bardic Inspiration die is rolled, it is lost. A creature can have only one Bardic Inspiration die at a time.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Your Bardic Inspiration die changes when you reach certain levels in this class. The die becomes a d8 at 5th level, a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level.
Ritual Casting
You can cast any bard spell you know as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag.
Other Proficiencies
  • Common
  • Yordle
  • Undercommon
  • Hand crossbow
  • Longsword
  • Rapier
  • Shortsword
  • Simple weapons
  • Light armor
  • Violin
  • Flute
  • Piano
  • Land vehicles
  • Cook's utensils
  • Playing card set

I find humor in a lot of things, most often the things I make.

I am able to fake smile for anyone, even if I hate that person.


Joviality - Flash a smile, crack a joke, make a friend, that's what matters.


Why do I adventure? For the thrill, of course! I need no other reason to do so.


I put down others to boost my own confidence.


Kit was born a healthy baby yordle in Bandle City to Oscar (her father) and Lily (her mother), but to truly delve into her character one must understand her family’s lineage. Going back several generations to when Runeterra was simply a few warring tribes with hardly any real divisions between them, the yordles too gathered into their own society on a plane completely separate from the material one. Curious at heart, the yordles constructed great gateways between the realms that only they could access, in order to see more of the world. Over time more portals were created and hidden deep in magical places such as the bandlewoods. Kit’s great-(x8) grandparents were very forward-thinking and saw the potential dangers that outsiders would pose to their home and to the portals, and as such, they became the founders of the Bandle City Special Forces, cobbling together what discipline they had along with their observations of various tribes’ militaristic rituals. Over time, Kit’s family has perfected their arts of training and are basically the first people turned to whenever Bandle City’s safety is in question, and are always looked to when things need discussing. Nowadays, her father Oscar works closely with the Mayor as a sort of defense secretary, while her mother Lily is the commander of the Bandle City Special Forces.
Even from birth, Kit was always expected to do great things simply due to her heritage. Life with famous family wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be though. Kit was pretty unusual looking from her ancestors, being quite small and significantly fuzzy for a female yordle. It’s a bit of a point of contention for her as Kit was used to people befriending her until they “realized she was a girl”, which ignited her fiery personality when she was growing up. Her parents always saw potential in her as she was capable with pretty much every activity they threw her in, and she adored talking to people. Over her formative years, Kit was absolutely fascinated by the Bandle City Special Forces and the Bandle Gunners, idolizing Teemo and Tristana respectively. But, her parents -  having seen some of the “bad” in the world firsthand - kept her busy with various sports, arts, and learning projects to keep her well within the realm of Bandle City. Kit was only ever allowed to leave with her mom or dad on special reconnaissance missions, or general sightseeing, but never for long. Oscar and Lily were on the overprotective side not because they didn’t think Kit could handle herself, but because they needed to make sure she was safe in order for her to continue on the lineage and work they’d done in case anything happened to them.
Ever since she could remember, it felt like everyone in Bandle City was constantly watching Kit and waiting for her big moment to shine. She started to develop a coping mechanism through her dry humor; masking her own insecurities about not living up to her family name by taunting others for the same thing. Most yordles grew used to her sense of jokes, and it drew many to her. Kit’s absolute favorite pastime was making friends, as there were so many people with so many histories she was absolutely dying to know. It was a sunny afternoon when her innate yordle magic gave way to something more magical: a passing joke at someone else unleashed a flurry of hideous laughter from them, which Kit knew wasn’t natural. She didn’t think too much of it, but it was always in the back of her mind when she started getting riled up. After Kit finally matured, her curiosity peaked and she decided that she needed to leave Bandle City and see more of the world, to meet new friends,  learn new things, and show everyone how great she was. So, packing a small bag with a few bits of food and materials, Kit left Bandle City in the night, leaving her parents a note saying not to go looking for her but that she loved them very much. Her parents were always impressed with her ability to command the portals to and from Bandle City, and Kit relied on those skills to leave. She found a gateway, and left.
Life in Runeterra was completely foreign to Kit as she had only ever visited as a tourist. She realized she had no idea how to survive on her own, but figured that sooner or later she would stumble upon some civilized society. Kit’s first idea was to travel to Ionia, as their culture and music was fascinating to her. She found the bandlewoods, opened up a portal… and appeared in the desert? That couldn’t be right. After various trials and error, Kit realized that while she could /open/ the portals easily, she had absolutely no sense of direction or geography and as such, couldn’t willingly choose where to go. A sinking feeling set in for her - her idea of a “teenage rebellion” had turned into an actual, literal need for survival. Kit spent the better part of a few years wandering around Runeterra, trying to find her way back home, or her way to a life she could live in the meantime. She took on various odd jobs where she could using her natural charm to win over anyone willing to listen to her, and she was able to learn a lot about well, how to live, as well as the goings-on in Runeterra. She made plenty of friends, and a few enemies. The most influential experience was when Kit stumbled upon a caravan of colorful folk jesting and performing tricks - a traveling circus! She was infatuated with the way these people behaved and spoke, so feeling a deep sense of calling, Kit applied to become one of them. To her delight, the circus welcomed her with open arms. She traveled with Miss Miraculous’ Carnival of Cheer for many years, where she was able to acquire the instrument that helps unlock her bardic nature - a special Ionian violin capable of weaving multiple melodies at once! The circus folk helped teach Kit acrobatics, tricks, how to lace poison with her words, how to woo crowds, and how to cook, as the troupe loved the exotic yordle cuisine Kit would whip up. Most importantly, she learned how to perfect her act of “jestering” whenever they would preform for some Demacian noble or a high-up chemical baron in Zaun. Kit absolutely adored this time in her life, as her home weighed less and less heavily on her mind.
But, Kit couldn’t stay with the circus forever. During a special performance somewhere in the Blessed Isles, Kit may have weaved the wrong spell or wrote the incorrect rune, because the finale of her act ended with a portal being opened up under Kit and her simply, disappearing (the crowd didn’t know this was accidental and went absolutely wild with applause). Greatly confused, Kit took a moment to realize that this portal was different - this portal felt like home. All of the memories from the years of her childhood came rushing back, and Kit ran back to Bandle City. Something seemed different though, which was unusual for a place separate from the material plane. As she ran back to her home, Kit found her mother Lily lying in bed, corruption from the void rapidly aging her and taking her into the great beyond. Lily and Oscar recognized their daughter immediately and told her that her mother had been organizing a routine patrol near a portal quite close to the void, and somehow, an abomination escaped and attacked. Lily sacrificed her life, drawing the creature away from the trainees while they attacked from a safe distance. Kit was overwhelmed with emotion and stayed by her mother’s side until she passed over. Kit realized that the cavalier nature of her departure had hurt Bandle City, and she vowed to make sure something like this wouldn’t happen again.
For several years Kit trained with her father and the Bandle City Special Forces to learn how to fight. They were immediately impressed with her quick-footed and quick-witted nature and enjoyed watching her essentially dance through a battle. After she felt she was ready, Kit spoke with Oscar about her decision to find someone who could help train and protect Bandle City should danger arise. Respecting his daughter’s growth and determination, Oscar was able to make Kit a certified representative of Bandle City and gave his blessing for Kit to find someone powerful or strong to either protect their home, or teach them how to do it themselves. Before our story begins, Kit is searching for this person using her charm and wit to get close to nobility and gather information about where such a person could be.

  • Kit is often misgendered as male yordles are significantly more fuzzy than females, who often don't have fur. She's used to it but doesn't like it much.
  • Aenean fringilla, justo eget vehicula malesuada, tellus ipsum lobortis lacus, quis viverra sapien sapien vel metus. Maecenas egestas neque eu erat molestie interdum non nec purus. Aliquam nisl orci, egestas quis mi et, feugiat cursus nulla.
  • Sed tempor interdum ante quis tempus. Maecenas non mauris vel elit fermentum porttitor. Sed id ullamcorper lectus.
Vestilus Lantune
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus. Pellentesque et dolor elit.
Verity Virgil
Aliquam egestas lectus ac metus lacinia efficitur. Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan.
Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus.
Morbi quis purus vitae libero dictum gravida. Donec eget nisl ex. Curabitur vitae leo sed odio aliquet accumsan. Proin egestas posuere sapien ac finibus.