

4 years, 9 months ago



Mercy Killer

territory witch ⚬ 53 ⚬ deceased

This prideful woman arrived at the capital of the sleeping gold and received the title of Golden in the succession ceremony. However, she refused it. Her compendium is built on purification and “setting right what once went wrong”, so she instead claims to be a Witch of Absolution. Though she was initially granted the title of Witch by Beatrice, her absolute conviction caught the eye of a certain Witch of the Senate, who took over as her guardian.

Levelheaded but silently furious, this Witch possesses a vast amount of power, fueled by her raw conviction.

Name Nᴀᴛsᴜʜɪ-Beatrice Alias Scales of Justice
Age 53 Pronouns she/her
Class Territory Witch Compendium Absolution
Species Witch Role Mercy Killer
Status Deceased Theme DISCOLOR
Likes nothing? Dislikes the family
the gold

Friendly Reserved

Polite Sassy

Serious Immature

Sensitive Tough

Brave Timid

Cautious Impulsive

Hopeful Pessimistic

Sincere Deceptive

Organized Messy

Diligent Lazy


Vessel: Ushiromiya Natsuhi
Titles: Witch of Absolution, Golden Witch, Witch of the Finite, Lady
Sponsor: Lady Beatrice†, Great Lady Lambdadelta
Status: Deceased

"This magic is equal parts “risk” and “conviction”.
Conviction is strongest when born from despair, you know.
Even given a thousand years, your conviction could not match mine."

She rarely smiles. Possesses the Head Ring.

While she often carries her murders out herself, she is capable of summoning the Stakes of Purgatory as well as units from Chiester Corps. When using these tools, her preferred summons are Lucifer of Pride, as well as Chiesters 00 and 556.


Attack [ Excellent ]
Defense [ Good ]
Magic [ Excellent ]
Resistance [ Average ]
Agility [ Average ]
Accuracy [ Good ]
Stamina [ Poor ]
Luck [ Poor ]

skill: cluster rounds
She specializes in crushing barrage attacks and spirit particle jamming. Other magical entities find it difficult to get a word in edgewise once Mercy Killer is in her groove.

skill: grand master
Her layouts are very precise, with subtleties beyond most human comprehension. She always has a back way out and her intrigue seems impenetrable, which makes her a formidable foe for the Human side.

skill: frenzy Φ
She has a subtle manic effect on weaker creatures in her vicinity that makes them more prone to irregular behavior. As it is difficult to think clearly inside her field of influence, she can often out-maneuver the sharpest of Detectives.

flaw: Fragile
While her wall of attacks is overwhelming, it only takes one good hit for her to begin crumbling.

flaw: isolated queen pawn
She is isolated to the point of recklessness, and will refuse to take on allies or accomplices, even if doing so would save her.

flaw: bad luck charm
Always seems to draw the shortest stick.



Upon arriving in the Capital of Gold, having solved the epitaph, the fledgeling Mercy Killer is faced with a horrific truth.

After being gifted the title of Golden Witch from her predecessor and ascending to the rank of Territory Witch, Mercy Killer is truly born. She discards her predecessor's title and resolves to wipe clean the slate of this cursed family line once and for all.


After killing her predecessor in the Capital of Gold, leaving the body to never be found, Mercy Killer pulls together a plan to extinguish the whole of the family. She plans to enact this scheme on the night of the family conference. Little does she know, there are other Witches in attendance that night...

Mercy Killer's ceremony begins by ensuring the deaths of the children, out of a wish to protect them from the ensuing horror.


After committing further murders, Mercy Killer observes as the Detective conjures a new spectre: a mockery of Mercy Killer, the reckless Flightless Bird. Flightless Bird is promptly cornered and executed by the very Detective who conceptualized her.

Enraged by this farce, Mercy Killer descends upon the Detective, conquering and killing her. She then returns to the Capital of Gold to regroup, but is soon discovered by a group of survivors.

In the ensuing fight, Mercy Killer is first to die, slain by the Impresario herself.