

4 years, 9 months ago



Rimose Defender

voyager witch ⚬ 50 ⚬ active

Though she at one point held Beatrice’s titles in her hand, she has discarded them. Her magic is based on guilt and penitence. Despite the suffering at the core of her manifestation, she became a white witch after looking out upon the sea of fragments.

As a witch who safeguards the future, her power surpasses the witches of 1986. It is said she is at the level of a Voyager witch and has no territory of her own, but alas, simply catching a glimpse of the sea was enough to make her repent.

Name Eᴠᴀ Alias Witch of Reform
Age 50 Pronouns she/her
Class Voyager Witch Compendium Reform
Species Witch Role Protector
Likes Ange Dislikes Apex

Friendly Reserved

Polite Sassy

Serious Immature

Sensitive Tough

Brave Timid

Cautious Impulsive

Hopeful Pessimistic

Sincere Deceptive

Organized Messy

Diligent Lazy


Vessel: Ushiromiya Eva
Titles: Witch of Reform, Witch of the Finite, Lady
Sponsor: Unknown (suspected to be Great Lady Lambdadelta)
Status: Active

"I'm sorry.
I...can't win, ...after all."

She's ripped. this is so important.

She devotes herself to protecting the fledgling Witch of Resurrection.


Attack [ Excellent ]
Defense [ Excellent ]
Magic [ Average ]
Resistance [ Average ]
Agility [ Good ]
Accuracy [ Good ]
Stamina [ Excellent ]
Luck [ Poor ]

Skill: simple harm
This witch has extremely high physical output. Her magic is excessively bare-bones: even humans can easily comprehend it.

Skill: blunt force trauma
Mostly based around physical means like bludgeoning and cutting. In fact, the main appliance of her magic is manipulating the staffs at her back, which are levitated and swung to kill without the need of hands.

Skill: grit
Her sheer determination will keep her going despite most injuries.

Flaw: unstable
She is hounded by guilt and is quick to grow emotional when confronted with the past.

Flaw: beginner level
Easily defeated by the Human side due to the sparse nature of her magic.

Flaw: held the red pen
She cannot defeat Book Apex.



Upon realizing the vastness of the multiverse and her own unfathomable guilt, the Impresario's identity shattered and reformed into this White Witch.

At the end of a long game of attrition against Apex, she came out the victor, and escaped the Golden Witch's territory to become a Voyager.

Rather than continue the cycle of death, she resolves to protect the fledgeling Witch of Resurrection at any cost.


After pledging her allegiance to the Witch of Miracles, she regains access to the gameboard and is able to protect the fledgeling Witch of Resurrection from the encroaching corruption.

If it's for the sake of protecting that child, Rimose will ally herself with anyone, and swallow any amount of mud necessary.


However, when her path once more crosses with Apex (in the form of Book Apex), this witch is unable to properly defend herself.

It's simple, really: after all, the truth that sustains Book Apex bled red from Rimose's own heart.