Ninnie P. Blushbottom



4 years, 8 months ago


✦ Details
Name Ninnie Pompadouris Blushbottom
Pronouns She/Her
Age N/A
Alignment N/A
Magic (Primary) Pathokinesis
Magic (Secondary) Musical Healing
Home Fluffypants Manor
Occupation N/A
Theme Rozen Garten
✦ Appearance
Height 5'0''
Body Type Petite
Hair Style Long and straight (normally kept in an updo)
Hair Color Pink
Eye Color Deep Wine
Skin Color sing-a-ma-jig voice: s k i n
Clothing Style Pastel Lolita Style
Posture C...childish?
Other Other stuff
✦ Likes
Tea and mini cakes
Helping others
✦ Dislikes
No sleeve dresses
Being too hot/stuffy
✦ Hobbies
Hosting Tea Parties
✦ Traits
✦ Quirks
✦ Phobias
✦ Section

This profile is made for those who don't like writing paragraphs, but this section is here as optional for those who would like to include paragraphs in the profile. If you don't want it, simply delete it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lectus sapien, rutrum vitae volutpat sit amet, scelerisque euismod velit. Donec leo enim, condimentum vel consectetur ut, sollicitudin ut dolor. In eu auctor odio. In a felis erat. Duis sit amet porttitor nibh. Maecenas eget eros accumsan, finibus neque vel, pretium est. In dictum quam quis ante volutpat, at porta lacus feugiat. Praesent porta, risus ac suscipit vulputate, magna quam sollicitudin mauris, non accumsan eros ligula vel magna. Donec finibus nisi id lacus ultrices tempor. Quisque lacinia justo lectus, non cursus ligula efficitur sit amet. Pellentesque nec augue vitae lacus sollicitudin congue vel ac tellus. Fusce magna enim, facilisis quis est et, gravida efficitur velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis id ullamcorper eros, sed gravida magna. Vivamus eleifend, magna at tempus mollis, ipsum odio tempus nunc, nec ultrices ex magna eget sapien. Proin nec erat ornare, ullamcorper libero vitae, pellentesque mi.

Duis scelerisque quis sapien sodales mattis. Donec porttitor eu turpis vitae tristique. Vestibulum vitae magna id purus vestibulum cursus. Pellentesque libero nunc, lobortis vitae augue a, suscipit aliquam felis. Suspendisse placerat vulputate sollicitudin. Sed vel fermentum justo. Aliquam vitae est dui. Sed molestie ullamcorper mauris, ut accumsan tellus cursus sed.

✦ Trivia
● Her wings are actually a bit small, so she still has a bit trouble flying. She can only do so for so long before getting tired. She'll keep practicing though, and soon she'll get the hang of it!
● Her pathokinesis stems from her vocals, where her singing can manipulate the emotions of those around her. The vocals she produces inflicts the same emotions onto others (such as a sad song causing sadness, or a cheery song making people happy.) She doesn't actually realize she can do this, though it's not always that it occurs. She actually hums/sings a lot, and its cheery sound tends to put people in a better mood upon hearing it.
● Although her singing can cause shifts in emotions, her own emotions can change others too. Strong emotions cast an emotional aura, that causes whoevers in range of the aura to change to that emotion (ei. if she has an burst of anger it can cause an anger aura, in which anyone near her also feels upset and angry)
● There is a particular melody that she sings which rather than changing emotions, actually heals whoever is in range of it. It's a specific tune, and it is sung in the language of angels. It's unknown how she knows this, as there haven't been enough angels in her life to teach her any of this. It's possible that if the song is sung in a different tune, it could have alternate effects...
● She can teleport! The range of her teleportation is small, and when she dissapears/reappears there is a small ringing sound. It sounds like bells. She also ocassionally leaves small feathers around as well. She doesn't notice this at all.
✦ Relationships
Othello Sees him as a father figure, even after what happened. That was a long time ago though! And she knows that he'd never do anything to hurt her like that on purpose!!!
Tottie Sees Tottie like a sister, and loves to spend time with her! They have tea parties and do all sorts of fun stuff together!
Rosie Looks up to her a lot. She loves watching Rosie garden, and wants to learn about cool plants too! Though, it's unsure if she's ready for that sort of thing. Thinks of Rosie as the cool aunt.
Maxie She wants to spend more time with him, but man he's stubborn about it. Sometimes she doesn't get some of the stuff he does, but she still wants to spend time with him anyways. Sees him as more of a big bro than an uncle, but this family is wack so it's good.
Owogan She loves to spend time and ready storys to her! Sometimes Owogan forgets things, but that's okay, Ninnie has no problem helping her remember things if she needs to!

profile html by Hukiolukio