Othello C. L. Fluffypants



4 years, 8 months ago


✦ Details
Name Othello Claudius Lemont Fluffypants
Pronouns He/Him
Age 1400~
Alignment N/A
Magic (Primary) Mnemokinesis
Magic (Secondary) Floraekinesis
Home Fluffypants Manor
Occupation N/A
Theme El Paradiso
✦ Appearance
Height 6'3''
Body Type Relatively average build, has muscles
Hair Style Very long and wavy
Hair Color Lavender
Eye Color Wine
Skin Color Due to legal requirments there is skin
Clothing Style High fashion, usually sexy
Posture Proper but relaxed
Other Other stuff
✦ Likes
Taking care of others
Winter time
✦ Dislikes
Getting dirty
People snooping through his things
Getting embarrassed
✦ Hobbies
Writing Poetry
Clothe Making/Mending
Butterfly Collecting
✦ Traits
✦ Quirks
✦ Phobias
✦ Section

This profile is made for those who don't like writing paragraphs, but this section is here as optional for those who would like to include paragraphs in the profile. If you don't want it, simply delete it. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed lectus sapien, rutrum vitae volutpat sit amet, scelerisque euismod velit. Donec leo enim, condimentum vel consectetur ut, sollicitudin ut dolor. In eu auctor odio. In a felis erat. Duis sit amet porttitor nibh. Maecenas eget eros accumsan, finibus neque vel, pretium est. In dictum quam quis ante volutpat, at porta lacus feugiat. Praesent porta, risus ac suscipit vulputate, magna quam sollicitudin mauris, non accumsan eros ligula vel magna. Donec finibus nisi id lacus ultrices tempor. Quisque lacinia justo lectus, non cursus ligula efficitur sit amet. Pellentesque nec augue vitae lacus sollicitudin congue vel ac tellus. Fusce magna enim, facilisis quis est et, gravida efficitur velit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Duis id ullamcorper eros, sed gravida magna. Vivamus eleifend, magna at tempus mollis, ipsum odio tempus nunc, nec ultrices ex magna eget sapien. Proin nec erat ornare, ullamcorper libero vitae, pellentesque mi.

Duis scelerisque quis sapien sodales mattis. Donec porttitor eu turpis vitae tristique. Vestibulum vitae magna id purus vestibulum cursus. Pellentesque libero nunc, lobortis vitae augue a, suscipit aliquam felis. Suspendisse placerat vulputate sollicitudin. Sed vel fermentum justo. Aliquam vitae est dui. Sed molestie ullamcorper mauris, ut accumsan tellus cursus sed.

✦ Trivia
● The eye with a scar is actually a fake eye! It's a glass eye that's been enchanted so that it acts like a regular eye, moving and all, but it is absolutely fake and can technically be swapped out.
● When he died and respawned for the first time he kept all the scars/wounds from the attack that killed him. This is because a long time ago he made a bet with an old friend (another immortal) that whoever died first would have to keep their battle scars. He lost.
● Before the incident with Asmodeus and Amourius, he had only killed one other person. That death was the reason he's strongly against violence/killing others.
● His mnemokinesis comes from Fate, a memory keeper in a seperate pocket dimension. He doesn't remember her properly unfortunately, but this is her fate.
● He can easily be bought and bribed with chocolate, so long as it's top tier chocolate. He REALLY loves chocolate.
✦ Relationships
Ninnie Met when Othello killed her "parents", and took her memories. After 800+ years of them being together, they grew very close, and Othello now sees her as a daughter. She in return sees him as a father figure.
Rosie His younger sister. Annoying as any little sister could be! But he annoys her back to the max, and it's in good spirit overall. He actually enjoys watching her garden.
Maxie His younger brother. A bit weary seeing as he now has some of Othello's memories still inside him, but trusts him enough to not worry too much. He's still annoying as ever though, and Othello makes no hesitation to annoy him back.
Tottie His youngest sister. He had no memories when she was born, but because of Ninnie he was able to interact with her a lot. He finds her sweet and protective, and appriciates it a lot. He'll look out for her just as he does with Ninnie, though he strongly believes she can defend herself very well.
Owogan His eldest sister. Worries about her deeply in her current condition, but isn't fully sure on how he can help. Ocassionally rebeled with Valentine, but always listened to any warnings she gave to them. He listens to her word very closely. She's someone he looks up to.
Valentine Thick as thieves back in the day. While she did do some egging, he didn't do anything he didn't want to and had fun doing so. He misses her, and wants to find her again...
Rex One of his loving boyfriends. Sometimes, Othello just wants to absolutely throttle him, but in the end he can't help but fall head over heels for this absolute idiot. Deep down, it's really just his worrying and caring self that wants to make sure Rex doesn't do anything to get themselves killed.
Phillip One of his loving boyfriends. Finds his shyness absolutely endeering, and enjoys helping him to blossom little by little each day. He very much balances out the absolute lusty-rage he feels towards Rex.

profile html by Hukiolukio