Ashley ✦



4 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info


Prince Ashley Pearlite


½ Dragon; ½ Elf


Male (transgender)






Luxurious items,




Cleanly | Distant


WIP His magic sword is named Nacre Tears


Two kingdoms, one elven and the other humanoid dragon, attempted to unite under an arranged marriage. While the relationship was a failure and racial tensions remained within the kingdom, one positive outcome was born as a result, a princess of blood from both royal nations. With the mixed blood running through a single heir, hope for a new era of peace and unity rose among the people and was heavily placed on the growing heir. Which only added to the stress of princess Ashley, for at a young age he realized his truth, and sought a powerful mage to help him become a prince.

Pearl Prince

After anonymously sending out an ad that offered a major monetary reward for any mage with the magical capabilities to pull off the specific transition, Ashley received very few responses. All of which were rude and poked fun at "such an unheard of request". But just as he was giving up hope, a mage appeared right before him inquiring about the ad. The youth was confused by how the mage found him when he made sure the ad was anonymous. The mage explained that he used magic to track the essence from the ad he found, and was eager to finally test out a spell for the very occasion. When offered the reward in exchange though, the mage asks Ashley the reason for the specific procedure, and upon hearing the answer refuses the money, as helping the royal live his truth was satisfying payment enough. The mage then begins his setup and starts the spell, the castle illuminating as a prince is born.

Prince Ashley decides to hold a ball, to introduce and celebrate his successful magical transition to his true self, and invites the mage as his guest of honor. The mage warns to tread lightly though as not everyone may be as accepting of the truth as most. The prince assures him that he's aware, but whether everyone is or isn't, he's still their only beacon of hope as the sole heir capable of bringing unity and peace to the kingdom. The night of the ball the the prince reveals his truth, he states just that, and a majority of the kingdom cheers for him, including his parents.

The next day Ashley decided to begin a journey to travel through the various land as a representative of his nation in hopes of forming new alliances, equipped with his knowledge in politics, magic and swordsmanship.

Forging Alliances

Ashley's first stop was a coastal kingdom to make an arrangement with the leaders there, as their shores have many resources and with their docks, could give his people access to foreign trade. After touring the kingdom with the royals all day, they agree to the arrangement as the prince's kingdom is a hotspot for trade and luxurious items. The prince requests the royals to put in a good word for him with their allies when he visits them so they too could be part of the alliance, but the royals get a better idea. They assign their most trusted and loyal captain to join the prince's party as an ambassador for the kingdom. The captain is reluctant to traveling with a stranger he's never heard of, but does so on behalf of his people. He introduces himself as Captain Dimitri Larimar, and is welcomed to the party. The next day the prince and captain setting out for the next nation together.