Leocadia "Leo" Merlo



4 years, 8 months ago


Leo is meant to fit within a PJO setting, but she's probably the best of those I have up so far at fitting outside that? 

She's the demigod daughter of Alala, the personification of the warcry. Alala is to Ares what Nike is to Athene, and thus, she's in the Ares cabin. She sticks out horribly in the Ares cabin. Yes, she is incredibly gifted with weaponry, yes she is good at fighting hand-to-hand, but all her interests lie in her voice, and she gets along best with the Apollo cabin. Just because she's good at wrestling doesn't mean she wants to use it to bully the newbies, y'know? Being popular and judgemental is a way better way to pick on newbies. Leo is 100% Gryffindor. 

She's a triple threat - singer, dancer, actor - and wants to work in musical theatre when she's older. She's Latina, but she likes dying her hair bold colours, and it changes regularly. She only pauses this at camp, which is when her black roots show. 

Leo can create extremely loud screams which she can also use to very mildly influence the emotions of those around her (eg inspiring allies, scaring opponents). She can also copy whatever she hears perfectly. Her loud personality pairs well with her powers.