Hinata Akahoshi (KamiHina♥)



4 years, 2 months ago


Hinata Akahoshi
  • GENDER Female
  • AGE 16
  • HEIGHT 166 cm
  • SEXUALITY Bisexual

Denki Kaminari
  • GENDER Male
  • AGE 16
  • HEIGHT 168 cm
  • SEXUALITY Unknown


  • RELATIONSHIP: Romantic
  • DYNAMIC: Flirtatious dork falls head over heels for prideful idiot
  • CLOSENESS: Extremely close
  • First to confess? Hinata is the first to tell her feelings. It was hardly even noticeable, even Denki missed it just because it was so smooth and casual. 
  • First to apologize? Denki. If they get into a fight, he will always feel bad from seeing her upset, so he's quick to jump to an apology and finds a way to make up for it, usually by snacks or cuddles.
  • The more popular/charismatic? Both are pretty equal, since they both seemingly like to make friends and talk to other people.
  • Which is the best caretaker when the other is sick? Probably Hinata because of A) having two other siblings and B) she gets sick quite easily herself and learned how to care for someone by taking care of herself.
  • Who does the cooking? Hinata again because of siblings and eventually having to care for her mother when she becomes ill, she learns how to make some decent dishes.
  • Who does the housework? Hinata while Denki kicks back and lets her do her thing without interruptions.
  • Which is the overprotective one? Definitely Hinata, she always has her eye on him.
  • Which is the designated driver? Hinata mainly because she probably thinks Denki's driving would be chaotic. And because she gets to control the radio.
  • Which has good penmanship? Hinata, although she writes kind of big, it's "bubbly" if you will, so it makes a lot cuter than what Denki's would probably be.
  • Who has a better relationship experience? Hinata but not really, she was in only one other "relationship" prior to Denki.
  • Which is more sensitive to subtle changes in their partner? Denki is more sensitive to changes. Hinata gets into some pretty bad days to the point where she doesn't wanna communicate with anyone, so it worries him into thinking he did something wrong.
  • The one that dies protecting the other? Both, as both parties would do practically anything for each other.

STORY + Headcanons

 You and me? We're golden

Describe your characters' relationship progress here. This box will scroll.

Integer vitae turpis in mauris eleifend venenatis. Proin est ipsum, placerat sed lectus id, faucibus convallis elit. Aenean elementum non sapien vel tempor. Vivamus pretium dui in lacus iaculis accumsan. Suspendisse elementum tristique fermentum. Curabitur feugiat elit ut scelerisque facilisis. In in arcu sed ligula eleifend convallis. Vivamus eu dictum metus, lacinia dignissim diam. Donec non est quis leo pellentesque imperdiet imperdiet non est. Duis gravida, quam vel viverra viverra, risus mi porttitor metus, vitae feugiat elit sem sit amet turpis. Vestibulum eu aliquet metus. Aliquam eu arcu id justo consectetur tincidunt. Aliquam eget felis fringilla, cursus dui quis, aliquet dui.


  • When they met, Denki was immediately a shameless flirt with her, Hinata found it highly amusing so she threw flirtatious comments back. They hit it off pretty well then.
  • For nicknames, Hinata calls him Pikachu or Sparky while he calls her various cheesy names like Sunshine or Honeybun.
  • In the future, the two have two daughters by the names of Inazuma and Raika.
  • These two literally cannot keep their hands off of each other, they have to be holding hands at the very least. It's like they don't know what personal space is.
  • Denki is the boyfriend that can never say no to her.
  • The two like to catch each other off guard sometimes with flirty comments and pick up lines.
  • They like going to fun and exciting places for their dates, such as an arcade or an amusement park.
  • Hinata likes to tease him just to see him pout, she thinks it's adorable.
  • Sometimes if Hinata stuns him with something like an unexpectedly cute outfit or a gift, he accidentally shocks both himself and her.

Hinata'S THOUGHTS ON Denki

"He's a little bit of a dunce, but I think he's a pretty cute and funny guy."

Denki'S THOUGHTS ON Hinata

"Put Character B's thoughts on Character A here. This box will scroll."

Hinata'S GIFTS TO Denki


ITEM: Describe gift here. This box will scroll.

ITEM: Describe gift here. This box will scroll.

Denki'S GIFTS TO Hinata


ITEM: Describe gift here. This box will scroll.

ITEM: Describe gift here. This box will scroll.