Turok - $5's Comments

Hey :),

I would love to try to offer, feel free to look at those folders:



Thank you for your time!

if this design is available I'd love to adopt!

If they're for sale, i'd like to purchase ^^

They are still available if you're still interested!

Would you accept art? Here are my examples c: 


Totally ! Idk if you’d trade your caution looking wolf he is a beaut 

Unfortunately I won’t be trading him! I just obtained him and already have a new ref I just haven’t uploaded yet 😊 but what is the estimated worth of the dragon so I can offer up a fair art trade c: 

I’m not sure what he’s worth tbh, I would take a full body :) , and if you ever put the caution boy up let me know !

Of course! I certainly will ^^ I’ll add that to his character notes in case I change my mind! 

Flatcolor or Shaded for the Fullbody and what character would you want done? 

Awesome and shaded please if it isn’t to much and could you do this character!


13 Replies